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$1.97 fuel in OKC this AM......

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peanutbrittle Donating Member (605 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 06:36 AM
Original message
$1.97 fuel in OKC this AM......
just thought I'd pass this along since it breaks the 2.00 barrier
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vickitulsa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 06:46 AM
Response to Original message
1. Same situation in Tulsa. And probably a few other places.
If ever we doubted the strength of the putsch by Republicans to manipulate every factor possible in the run-up to the November elections, this is a certain clue.

While it's true that the market value of crude can be said to have affected the subsequent fall in gasoline prices at the pump, it's also true that the same megawealthy persons who back the Bu$h regime have a lot of control over those crude prices as well.

I'm afraid too many people will be fooled by this drop in prices and think they can resume the profligate lifestyle of wasting natural resources that pollute our atmosphere. They don't care about the longterm piper that will have to be paid in environmental and health terms, and the Repugs can simply claim that they "always knew" oil and gas prices would come back down because it's "simply a matter of market forces."

Scary indeed.

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Coyote_Bandit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 08:30 AM
Response to Reply #1
9. Where?
Edited on Thu Sep-21-06 08:33 AM by Coyote_Bandit
This is what I have seen this morning:

Kwik Stop at 61st & Peoria $2.09
QT at various locations $2.14
Albertson's Express 51st & Harvard $2.14
Phillips 66 51st & Yale $2.14

Past experience tells me that gasoline prices over the last several months have been running five to ten cents a gallon cheaper in OKC copared to Tulsa. Gas starts to get cheaper as one leaves the Tulsa metro area. I'll try to make a mental note to check the price differences when I go to OKC this weekend.

Still, you are right that the pukes are manipulating gas prices in their favor in the run up to the election. What you didn't mention is that far too many folks will never acknowledge it or consider the implications when voting. Amerikans can be very dumb.

edit for typo
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vickitulsa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 10:44 AM
Response to Reply #9
10. Sorry, didn't mean to mislead.
I meant the "same situation" as in gas prices dropping dramatically in recent days. What you listed for QT and Kwik Stop are what I've seen also, but I expect the QT I normally use at Pine and Mingo to drop below $2 in the first wave of stations that do that here. I guess I should say "if they do," but I fully expect it.

You know how competitive OKC and Tulsa are, and so many folks commute between the two cities regularly and will simply start getting their gas in OKC if Tulsa stations don't drop to at least an equal level very soon. :)

Having worked in the oil & gas industry for over 30 years, I tend to keep up with the factors that influence gasoline prices and therefore am able to anticipate fairly accurately just when and how far prices will either escalate or drop.

As for the purposeful pressure put on Big Oil to make sure gas at the pump prices drop as low as possible from now to November, I just feel so certain that when the oilmen in the White House and those pulling their strings became aware of the fact that rising and ridiculous gas prices was the Number ONE concern among Americans these days, they decided to target that area for manipulation.

How better could they win favor back really FAST than to see to it that gas went below $2/gal at this exact time, after all. Makes me want to make up a big sign and draw some attention to it, say in downtown Tulsa or alongside a very busy freeway merging area.

"Conservatives (or "crooks" or "Repugs") will hike gas prices again immediately following the election! Don't be fooled by this ploy when it's time to vote!"


So many people in this part of the country are so savvy to gas markets and what moves them, however, that lots of them probably need no hints to draw the same conclusions. It's the people who are completely unaware of what's REALLY going on that need to be apprised of the reality.

I should strive for brevity in a poster or banner, I realize. How about this?

"Gas cheap now, high again post-election!"

We do have ample proof indeed that Americans can be very dumb. I've been doing what I can to spread the "word to the wise." Wish I could do more.

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Coyote_Bandit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 10:55 AM
Response to Reply #10
11. Have fun
enlightening the energy folks around here. While I have a background in finance and investments I'm not as savy about the business as some are. I have taken to trying to enlighten and challenge the local fundies. It has become my new "sport."
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vickitulsa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 11:21 AM
Response to Reply #11
12. Great "sport" indeed!
And man do you have a lot of targets to play -- er, I mean "work" -- with!

I sometimes refer to Tulsa as "The Fundie Fountain."

And since the early 70's I've called ORU "Oral in Wonderland." Up to our necks in 'em, we are.... <sigh>

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Coyote_Bandit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 01:19 PM
Response to Reply #12
17. I hate to say it but
sometimes I think Oral gets a bit of a bum rap. Not that I am defending him. And not that I don't find him offensive in his own way.

But Oral does get lumped in with all the rest of the politically active fundie religious preacher kooks - when he has largely avoided any kind of political involvement. He was a democrat. Not sure if he still is or not. And I have first hand knowledge that he - in his role as university president - personally prohibited students and faculty from wearing black armbands on campus to mark the tenth anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

As far as I can tell, the ministry to Oral was all about money. While he certainly exploited the cash available for unreasonable personal gain he did use a fair amount of that money to build an educational institution.

I also think that school and its faculty and alumni are sometimes unjustly maligned. I know at one point the university hosted a young democrats group that was quite active. Last I knew the single largest religious group represented among students was Catholic (and over 25% of the student body). The university is well-respected for its pre-professional programs and about 50% of ORU undergraduate alumni go on to earn graduate and professional degrees elsewhere. Not saying there are not kooks among them of course.

I cannot be as generous in my assessment of Oral's two surviving children, Richard and Roberta (he had another daughter who was killed in a plane crash and another son who committed suicide). Roberta practices law in Tulsa - mostly personal injury work and representation of local ministries I'm told. Richard, well, try as he might he will never be able to fill his daddy's shoes. But he will do well enough that he too will be able to enjoy a lavish retirement.

In my opinion the most rabid and anti-intellectual fundies around here are the Rhema bunch and the Victory Christian Center bunch. Although there clearly are others that come close. The GUTS bunch comes close if for no other reason than their cumulative testosterone level. The truly frightening thing is their focus on evangelizing and spreading their message around the world - and their effectiveness in doing so. Victory of course is very active politically. As recently as last Sunday they hosted revisionist fundie historian David Barton of Wallbuilders - and took up a collection for him. Even worse is the knowledge that their Christian school is the largest private school in the state.

"The Fundie Fountain," eh? You are kinder than I. I consider it "the armpit of the Bible belt." No, I don't hate Tulsa. But I think it would be much improved without the fundies, the old oil money that is left, the newfangled money grubbers - and the republicans.
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vickitulsa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 08:22 PM
Response to Reply #17
19. Hmmm ... well, after your input, I would just say this.
My grandmother was living on a small SS income for the last 14 years of her life, and she listened to Oral on the radio back in the day. Whenever he had a fundraising drive, she would send him small amounts from her pitifully small income -- and it burned my dad's butt every time he learned of it.

I resented Oral for that reason, too. I wasn't aware of Oral's being a Democrat at all, though I'm not really surprised; and I'm aware of the educational excellence that comes out of ORU along with all the other claptrap that is preached in that general vicinity. Notably the ever-burgeoning Victory Christian Center and school right across the street from ORU. They utilize the Mabee Center frequently for their big concerts and guest speaker slash fundraising gatherings, and seem to have fairly well blended into the ORU campus.

I have never attended Victory, but I've heard Billy Joe (how stereotypical is his name, even!) Daugherty preach (briefly, as long as I could stand) on TV, and have seen his commercials since they're so ubiquitous. I did attend Grace Fellowship once or twice when it was a big new church of the "faith teaching" or "charismatic" variety (translation = fundie), and the more-than-2000-member congregation there was quite intimidating, along with all the electronic wizardry that these types use to enhance their reach and their appeal.

Can't stand those places, and long since ceased going to any church at all. The advantage taken of innocently believing members and willingly gullible visitors just rubs me the wrong way, and especially all the "prosperity teaching" that came into vogue bigtime and broadly in the 70's, if not before.

(After a scant few years in those circles during a bad period in my life when I was desperately seeking some "answers," I've been pretty much religion-free and happy that way ever since.)

Oral's "vision" of the "900-ft-tall Jesus" which told him, by his report, that He would "bring Oral home if he didn't raise $1 million for the City of Faith Hospital" by -- whenever the deadline was, but he did give a deadline -- just tore it for me with that man. Yeah, right. Being "taken 'home'" in their code meant of course that God would KILL Oral if he didn't raise the money! :argh: :puke:

Oral the huge, pathetic fraudulent conman, in my view. Preach about "prosperity" to come to your flock if they gave a lot and of course TITHED to YOU, and then demand that they do all that giving so you can build up your empire further! Scare them with fake "visions" that threaten your very LIFE, you bloody fraud. Bilk 'em for whatever they're worth by whatever means, fair or foul. Mostly foul.

No thanks. I used to ride my bicycle with a friend out past ORU when it was out there on South Lewis (my mom lives near there now in a non-ORU senior center) all by itself and nothing but countryside and wildlife all around. The road was two-lane, and now it's four-to-six-lane approaching and right in front of ORU -- actually between ORU and VCC. That curve just where the multi-lane roadway returns to two-lane again after you pass ORU used to be known as "Dead Man's Curve," and they never really took the curvature out of the road at that spot -- I think because it slowed everyone down just in time to take in ORU in all its shining golden splendor.

Add a huge WalMart SuperStore directly across the street from what used to be the City of Faith Hospital (now a multi-use office building and home of Cancer Centers of America -- I've worked there as a temp), plus the high-end chain and specialty stores in the stripmalls surrounding the immediate area, and you have the perfect mega-religio-marketplace for the very rich, IMO, and of course it's all ideally arranged to impress and make envious any poorer folk who drive through there and drool. :)

All lower-class stores and residences have pretty much been cleared out of that area -- and I have to wonder if "eminent domain" was utilized in behalf of the religous&wealthy to achieve that.

When I rode my bicycle around the ORU campus back in the early 70's, I used to ride all through the campus as well, just marveling at how vain a person it must have taken to construct (with poor people's money) such a lavish, gold-topped, gawdy and architecturally insane place. My friend and I used to make comments then about Oral and his "Wonderland" campus that, if made today, would get us jailed as "terraists"!

The "Praying Hands" monstrosity that was commissioned to stand at the entrance of the City of Faith Hospital, which never did make a go of it because (I felt) it was just too grandiose and overstretched "God's" limits even for Oral, finally put me over the top in my disgust with the old radio evangelist. It almost wasn't completed, either, along with the City of Faith complex, due to a shortage of funds, you may recall.

But when it was done, and set up at the end of the entry drive to the City of Faith, I thought it was the most obscene thing I'd ever viewed. Didn't even look like "praying" hands -- more like, as I said at the time, "clapping hands." Hah!

When the City of Faith went bust, as it was destined to do, blackmail-the-faithful effort by Oral or not, he moved the "clapping hands" to the main entrance to the ORU campus, where it still stands today, mocking all who pass by, IMO.

You're right about Rhema, too. I also rode my bike through there (I was gearing up for crosscountry rides at the time), and was amazed at the appalling power that could be exerted in small communities by one megachurch empire and one megalomaniac. Kenneth Hagin's Sunday services I attended one time, more out of curiosity than anything else, but I found it to be a carbon copy of Victory -- or the other way around. To me, these ultrawealthy churchmen all spring from the same fundie fountain, and I sorta blame Oral for starting it all, in a way, I guess.

Hagin, like Oral himself, also claims to have been miraculously healed from serious illness or injury and imbued with special spiritual "gifts" while a young man. But the horror stories I heard from some former Rhema students and generally around town were just terrible. How students there could be made to wear the scarlet A, metaphorically speaking, if they dressed improperly or didn't do everything just as they were told. Or didn't TITHE -- always a high priority for those leeches.

And Rhema has turned out probably more carbon copies of the "faith healing" type of preacher than anywhere else, overall. While ORU shifted gears to at least offer a great education in broader fields, Rhema and Victory still focus almost solely on cranking out thousands of new fundie robots. While raking in so much money it's just pathetic, in what it says about the preachers as well as the gullibility of the "flock."

You're right about Richard Roberts, too. He is "but a shade" of his father in charisma (hah!) and in every other way, I'd say. But also destined to retire in lavish comfort and splendor. Pitiful how even a poor copy of Oral can still do so well financially and maintain the key offering intake all these years.

Now a little story of a personal experience I had a long time ago while on the way to a midnight movie in a theatre complex just south of ORU on Lewis Avenue. Three friends and I were with my sister-in-law in her car, and while she remained sober and straight as the driver, we three were somewhat smashed from drinking before we left and more than a little bit high on pot as we anticipated a fun night with the Rocky Horror Picture Show crowd.

At that hour, another couple of drunk young women, with the most sauced one behind the wheel, failed to make that turn at Dead Man's Curve while heading straight for us! My SIL, thank goodness, being sober and an alert driver, jerked the steering wheel to the right which meant the drunk driver only grazed the side of our car ... but then carromed directly into the front of a pickup behind us which was driven by a young man who was out doing a good deed for his elderly grandmother at that hour.

The ensuing accident was horrific, and you never saw so many drunk people sober up fast as happened that night. As we all came to a stop after hearing the awful sound of metal screeching and then colliding with a major impact just behind us, the four of us in our car sat frozen in place for just a moment. Then I said, "Okay, people, we need to sober up fast ... it'll be easier outside in the crisp night air ... and go help some folks. Take a few deep breaths of that cold air. There's gonna be some badly injured people out there."

Indeed there were. My dad was a State Trooper here in OK for 23 years, btw, so I had a little extra insight into just how bad car accidents can be. We all bailed out of our vehicle and went to see if we could help someone and make sure an ambulance as well as the police were called ASAP in those days before cellphones and in an area where the only residences at that time were at the ORU-affiliated senior home near that curve. It was new then, and one of our number went to make the phone calls there.

I checked out the offending car, but the driver had stumbled out (with a fractured tibia, it turned out) and had wandered off into a pasture aimlessly but probably trying to escape justice for her sin of driving while VERY drunk. Her passenger was a young blond whose forehead had hit the windshield, no seat belts being worn, and bright red blood on her forehead and face more than hinted at serious head injury. She was conscious, but just barely. There were already other people trying to help her, though, so I moved on to the pickup right behind us.

It was smashed in badly in front, and when I checked inside, the young man driving it was almost in the floorboard, with his right leg that had been pushing into his brakes at the last minute as hard as he could was angled badly and I figured was surely broken -- or more like shattered. Never a good thing to hit the brake with a stiffened leg when you see you're about to be crashed into head-on.

He was semi-conscious also but clearly had at least a concussion in addition to the leg injuries, and all I could really do for him was to try to keep him from passing out and offer him a lot of verbal encouragement and comfort. I stayed there with him the whole time until the ambulance crews came, and later visited both him and the young blond lady who'd been taken to the same local hospital, in a room just down the hall from him. She was fine -- just a concussion and a few stitches in her forehead, and no memory at all of the wreck. He, on the other hand, suffered a shattered hip joint, which he said he could see plainly on the X-rays his doctor showed him. Shattered like splinters, like glass.

They did what they could to repair it, but this young fella, married and responsible for a young family, had been working as a pest control person, crawling around under houses, and he would never be able to do that again, most likely. He was upbeat, though, and I learned that he had been returning keys left behind by his forgetful grandmother to her at her home. Went out late at night to do a good deed, and got himself crippled (to some degree) for life thanks to yet another drunk driver. An all-too-common sort of outcome, sadly.

But my reason for telling this detailed story (sorry, my vivid memories carried me away) was that throughout that entire evening, the only help any of the victims of that major three-vehicle accident received was from passing motorists and the professionals who were called to the scene. Other than the night desk clerk at the ORU-affiliated old folks home who made their phone available to our friend who'd gone there to call for help, there was not one person associated with ORU who turned out to assist in any way. It just sort of made a statement in my own mind about how "Christian" the people at ORU were. They kept clear of involvement.

And this wasn't a one-time thing. On another occasion in broad daylight as I rode my bicycle along the same route, same time period, early 70's, I witnessed a motorcyclist driving too fast completely underestimate the sharpness of Dead Man's Curve and fly off the roadway behind me, launched by his speed into the air and eventually colliding head-on with a stout post to which a billboard was attached. About as hefty as a telephone pole.

He had on a helmet and protective biker clothing, so to my shock he survived the accident. He even got back up on his feet, some little distance off the roadway in the weeds, and walked on his own steam, staggering quite a bit, though, toward me as I was approaching him.

He was wearing a full-coverage helmet, in fact, and the only injury other than some scrapes and scratches that he appeared to have was that he kept holding the outside of the helmet and saying, when he could speak at all, "My head hurts ... my head hurts."

Passersby in cars stopped, several of them, I think, and one of them jumped back in his own car and went to call for the ambulance and cops also. Another couple and I were trying to get the biker to stop stumbling around and sit down on the grass, while someone began slowing and diverting traffic, which there wasn't much of back in those days.

Turned out, can you believe it, the ambulance people refused to respond when a citizen called them but instructed the good Samaritan who phoned them to call the police FIRST, because the POLICE had to ascertain the degree of injury to any victims and summon them to the scene! We were appalled at such procedures, though we could understand the reasoning.

So during the long wait I was glad that a nurse was among the volunteers who'd stopped and was trying to calm the injured biker. He wouldn't stop pulling at his helmet strap, though, continuing to complain of the major pain in his head and wanting that helmet OFF. He was adamant about it.

After failing to convince him to leave it on until medical crews arrived to help him, the nurse reluctantly assisted him in unfastening his helmet. Just as the ambulance crew arrived with lights and siren running full blast and jummped out of their vehicle to do their thing, the standing biker and the nurse got his helmet off ... and immediately his fractured skull collapsed without the support of the helmet and he died on the spot.

The nurse had known of this risk, as she was an ER nurse, and that was why she tried so hard to get him to leave the damned helmet ON. There was nothing the ambulance crew could do at that point but put the guy into their "bus" and take him as fast as possible to the ER, but it was a futile effort by then. Poor guy was dead because we couldn't get him to leave the helmet on. The nurse later told me she'd seen that happen in the ER before, so she'd been well aware of what might occur.

But again, there was no help on that scene from anyone at ORU at midday right in front of their campus. The only ones who played "good Samaritan" that day were those who were simply passing by.

Longwinded ways to tell about my experiences with ORU, but it's all factual and documented.

In addition to the Fundie Fountain, I have also called Tulsa "the buckle on the Bible belt" and have lamented the degree of harm and swindling done to so many unsuspecting people by the supposedly "good" churchpeople of this area. They may well do some good; it's just that I've seen far more damage wrought by their presence in our community than goodness or demonstrations of true "Christian values."

Little wonder I would encourage your "sport" of trying to penetrate the minds-or-what's-left-of-them of these people, huh. If only they could be bothered to engage in some critical thinking instead of relying on the teachings and sorry examples of their leadership, we'd all be a lot better off, IMO.

Sad but true, drama and destruction from the Fountain of Fundie madness in the Heartland....

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Coyote_Bandit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 11:40 PM
Response to Reply #19
22. I know an older gentleman
who defines Christians as being the "bless me and to hell with you" folks. Sadly, he is right. And that is the mentality you observed. The late Johnny Cash wrote a song about these folks and described them as "so heavenly minded you're no earthly good" - among other things. Unfortunately, this general observation is not limited to the stretch of Lewis between 71st and 81st street.

Just today I was looking at the 2001 U.S. Congregational Life Survey posted on the Association of Religion Data Archives ( Among the findings of over 300,000(!) random church attenders queried:
*Only 28.2% had loaned money to someone outside their family in the past 12 months.
*Only 20.5% had cared for someone outside their family who was very sick in the past 12 months.
*Only 21.9% had helped someone outside their family find a job in the past 12 months.
*Only 19.3% had worked with others to try to solve a community problem in the past 12 months.

Like you, I swore off churches many years ago. I see nothing there to emulate or inspire. Most badly represent the message of Scripture. They don't just ignore it. And all of them seem incapable of maintaining appropriate boundaries - a sure sign of control and power issues. But I must admit some can be damned entertaining in a perverse kind of way. I have recently been told that there is one Tulsa church that has a mid-week service that is devoted to dream interpretation. A few years ago the same church was filled with "holy laugher," religious slain in the spirit drunks and spontaneous gold dental work. Crazy and completely irrational - and completely contrary to the bulk of Scripture, Christian history and tradition.

The details of your post made me feel old. I can remember when the hands were in front of the old City of Faith. Back in the day, we wanted to try to figure out how to make the water in the river fountain run blood red. I can remember when they were building the City of Faith we used to go out and hit golf balls at the thing from 81st street. Later we wanted to try to paint one strategic finger on those hands. I always thought those "clapping hands" looked as though they were trying to capture yet another dollar as it wafted upward. About the time Oral was begging for money lest he be called home there was a small "For Sale" sign that appeared at the front entrance to the campus by the avenue of flags. Seems the Tulsa World got a photo of it. There used to be a small modest house on the north west corner of 81st and Lewis. There was a fiesty little lady who lived there. Her home was the last to go to the commercial and religious interests. I think she held out until her health failed. To my knowledge it was not taken by eminent domain. Because there was no bridge, there used to be a huge dip in the road where the drainage ditch to the west of the Wally World Supercenter is. The road was barely paved. It kind of dead ended into some overgrowth just south of university housing. When you worked your way through the overgrowth you were at the river. Now there is a casino there. For some reason, I have always found great irony in the fact that the casino is in such close proximity to the money grubbing prosperity preaching Christians. As for Hagin, well, there were rumors around town that he was dead for several days before it was announced. Seems there was some concern that somebody just might try to raise the old guy from the dead. Wouldn't that have been a hoot?

You're right in your description of the "perfect mega-religio-marketplace for the very rich." My own ventures and observations about town tell me that Tulsa has lost a lot of established small businesses over the past few years. There are even a few cracks starting to show in these perfect little marketplaces. Notice the vacant commercial spaces. Fortunately, the city is large enough to accomodate those of us who prefer not to patronize such establishments. I know some westsiders who refuse to travel east of the river. And I know several mid-towners who break out in hives if they have to travel south of 51st street. And I know a lot of folks who avoid 71st and hell over around Woodland.

The Victory Christian Center folks seem to be getting a bit tapped out for funds. I guess that's just what happens when the preacher begs for money every single week to build an uuugly frickin building costing over $20+ million. He's been doing that every week for at least three years now. And the economy here ain't exactly flourishing. I'm told that in August he told his congregation that they needed to raise $1 million a week for five consecutive weeks. They didn't come close. Apparently the church authorized contractors to proceed with work even though they did not have cash on hand to pay them. A few weeks later I'm told that the pastor came back to the congregation and told them he had invoices due the following day of over $800,000. He still didn't get his $800,000. And apparently the next week he told his congregation that a substantial portion of that $800,000 in invoices had been postponed because the work was not yet complete. Seems maybe somebody should have known that BEFORE begging for that $800,000. From what I hear the entire process seems artifically contrived and manipulated. And that suggests that the good reverend ain't exactly telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Anyway. I have been hit by a drunk driver. I have been hit by a guy driving left of center. I have been hit by an illegal immigrant without insurance who fled the scene. I was in an accident involving an animal once and bent the steering column and hit the rear view mirror and the windshield. The 3 am stop at a south Tulsa QuikTrip after leaving the emergency room with a cervical collar, a bandaged forehead, and blood down the front of my shirt and on the toes of my shoes was priceless. And many years ago I was a passenger in a fatality accident.

I may not ever again darken a church door but I do realize that the world does not revolve around me. I stop at accidents. And, yes, I gawk at religious kooks.
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fasttense Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 06:46 AM
Response to Original message
2. Wow, those oil corporation really want you to vote for
their bought and paid for congress-critters. They are willing to give up some profit in exchange for keeping the current crop of crooks in congress. Next thing you know, they will be selling low cost heating fuel to the poor.
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ProdigalJunkMail Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 06:47 AM
Response to Original message
3. 88 p / litre in Maidenhead UK
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vickitulsa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 11:26 AM
Response to Reply #3
13. I had a British boyfriend for two years not long ago,
but I never quite grew accustomed to the idea of pricing gasoline at the pump by the litre. I have to think in terms of quarts to even guestimate! ;)

When Rod visited the USA for the first time in his life, back in 2000, he was stunned at our gas prices and the way we thought they were "too high" even then. Sure opened my eyes a lot about what others around the world must pay for "petrol."

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ProdigalJunkMail Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 11:39 AM
Response to Reply #13
16. yeah...the way I rationalize that
is to say gas is cheap...petrol is expensive. That doesn't work for long when looking at the overall impact filling your tank has on your wallet.

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lostnotforgotten Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 07:00 AM
Response to Original message
4. $ 2.80 Syracuse NY
'nuff said
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OneTwentyoNine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 07:03 AM
Response to Original message
5. Yeah...because you don't have Quik Trip controlling the market...
Look at the prices in Tulsa--2.14 and higher. Thats about the same as here in Wichita where Quik Trip has 50+ stores with over 500 pumps. There's no price competition here,whatever Quik Trip charges up or down is what everyone else charges. I quit buying from them three years ago and don't plan to start anytime soon.
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Gman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 07:03 AM
Response to Original message
6. All part of the plan
high gas prices was a big reason (among several) why people have been so pissed, and they blame the GOP. So right on schedule, right after Labor Day, when the election season begins, gas prices plunge. They're making up enough of profits in places like CA, OR, NM, TX and other states to more than offset what they don't make in OK, MO, IA, IN and other places.

Don't let anyone tell you its "market forces". Bullshit. I noticed that the people that keep blaming "market forces" here on DU, are characterized by less than 500 posts and no star by their name. Not blaming anyone in particular, but you get my drift.
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soothsayer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 08:07 AM
Response to Reply #6
7. I'm with you, and hope that price fixing/gouging is investigated
as soon as we take back the house and senate in Nov!
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vickitulsa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 11:36 AM
Response to Reply #6
14. Corporate Welfare which has thrived under this administration
creates a situation wherein the Big Oil goblins and goons can well afford to go so far as to take a LOSS for a mere two months pre-election, anyway, IMO. Not that they are, but they could afford it without it affecting their bottom line all that badly. With the number of tax breaks and outright giveaways the Repug govt shills in their "employ" (so to speak) provide them, it's not like they're hurting for profit or anything....

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Catshrink Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 08:19 AM
Response to Original message
8. 2.29 is the cheapest in Mesa, AZ
It's going down fast -- right on schedule. It should be lower than $2 across the country by election day.
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Coexist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 11:36 AM
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15. still $2.50 here in Tampa
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Divine Discontent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 11:45 PM
Response to Reply #15
23. same in orlando n/t
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StraightDope Donating Member (716 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 01:21 PM
Response to Original message
18. Translation: Exxon/Mobil says vote Republican!
This will be the '06 equivalent of "Gay Marriage won the election for the Republicans!"

How fucking stupid do they think that we are? Wait, don't answer that...
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dflprincess Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 08:42 PM
Response to Original message
20. The interesting thing is the price differences between
regular unleaded, premium and super premium. Usually the differences are about a $.10 between each one (ie Regular $2.00, 80 octane $2.10, super $2.20).

My car is happier with the 80 octane (and I've found I get 5 or 6 more miles/gallon with it). When I filled up last week, regular unleaded was $2.18/gallon and the premium was $2.36 - an $.18 difference; (I noticed diesel was $3.03). Most stations only post the price for cheapest grade as that's what people notice and use. True, the other grades have come down, but the differences are still larger. Though, as the CBS morning show told us the other morning, I'm sure this has nothing to do with the election, it's just that supplies are steady. :sarcasm:
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Blue-Jay Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 08:44 PM
Response to Original message
21. Holy crap! I guess I should vote Republican!
Because only GAS is important!

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Broken_Hero Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 11:45 PM
Response to Original message
24. 2.02 in Lanagan, MO,
and 2.05 in Goodman, MO....prices are going down down down...
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Divine Discontent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 11:49 PM
Response to Original message
25. I truly recommend this sticker <<-- antibush prodem stickers/shirts

sums up the bullshit we're dealing with. A lot of the states where the senator is safe, gas is over 2.50 a gallon (and yes, dropping, but, it's taking it longer to go down in NY, FL, etc) but where there's a battle for either tossup congressional seats or Senate seat they're worried about (OH and NJ at 2 or under, but not NY mind you!) the prices are around 2 bucks. How low will it go, and how unbelievable anyone can think this isn't anything but a scheme by billionaire oil giants to keep the same party in power that kisses their anuses.
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