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Who are AAR's Young Turks and why are they putting me to sleep...

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
Frank Cannon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 07:44 AM
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Who are AAR's Young Turks and why are they putting me to sleep...
at 7:30 a.m., as I drive to work?

Where the fuck did Air America find these people? It would have to be pretty tough to come up with three people more lacking in wit or anything particularly interesting to say. I've forced myself to listen to their show the last few days and I just can't do it. I'd rather listen to an audio book of Ben Stein reading from a college chemistry text.

I can't believe they killed Morning Sedition long ago to replace it with soporific crap like this, and during "morning drive time"! I was pissed when they got rid of MS, but Rachel Maddow grew on me, and Kent Jones her sidekick was usually good for a couple of laughs in the morning. Even Jerry Springer gave me a few chuckles prior to work.

Well, now AAR has moved Maddow and dropped Springer. And they leave me with these Young Fucking Turks.

By the way, doesn't "Young Turk" imply being a rebel of some kind? Well, if being deadly dull is a form of rebellion, then these fools may be the Che Guevaras of liberal talk radio. Maybe they really are from Turkey, in which case I wish they would just talk about life in that country. Anything's better than their snoozer interviews with boring people that seem... to go on... forever.

I think AAR is trying to commit slow suicide. I just don't get the decisions they've been making lately. Maybe the Young Turks are a lot cheaper than Malloy. If that's the case, then all I can say is that AAR got what they paid for.
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xultar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 07:51 AM
Response to Original message
1. I happen to like the Young Turks. New time slot for them. They
are usually on late in the day.

They'll adjust for the morning drive.
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fasttense Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 07:51 AM
Response to Original message
2. I haven't listen to them today but they usually rant and
and sometimes rave. I like the turks. I listened to them before they got on Air America. They did a marathon when one of the right winger supremes was voted in (in the hopes of a filibuster). They are usually very lively.
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Frank Cannon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 08:12 AM
Response to Reply #2
6. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZ-- I'm sorry, what was that?
Maybe they're just tired from their new morning duties. I'll give them more time.
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redstateblues Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 07:53 AM
Response to Original message
3. I haven't heard them yet, but MS, Rachel, and Springer
were all a complete yawn. Obviously the ratings were bad for all of them. I can't blame AAR for trying something else. I don't like to listen to anyone talking in the morning first thing anyway.
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MannyGoldstein Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 07:54 AM
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4. AAR Doesn't Realize That It's Supposed to Entertain
Rush Limbaugh made it to the (top? bottom?) by realizing that he was an entertainer. Since his drug addiction was discovered he's simply been angry, bitter, and shrill, but before that he was pretty funny while being hyperevil.

AAR seems to think that they're in business to inform rather than entertain. Sorry, NPR already does a good job of informing - AAR needs a new shtick.
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Liberal In Texas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 08:06 AM
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5. Actually, they're better if you can watch them streaming.
Doesn't do much good for your morning drive on the radio. It would be better to put them on at night. I also thought Rachel was better where she was. And of course, Malloy ought to be back where he belongs.

So my (better) line-up would be:


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Frank Cannon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 08:13 AM
Response to Reply #5
8. I agree that the Turks should be on at night
Because their show is like audio Sominex.
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Liberal In Texas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 08:25 AM
Response to Reply #8
10. Right now, that "Politically Direct" show makes me nod off.
Thank god it's only on for an hour.

I think one of the problems with the Turks is that they're are too many of them. It doesn't work on radio, kind of works for TV.

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iconoclastic cat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 08:12 AM
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7. Yeah, I keep waiting for them to improve,
but they seem to be having a really hard time of it. Not impressed.
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ms liberty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 08:21 AM
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9. I listened to the Turks every day when they were on Sirius...
after AAR went exclusive to XM - something that REALLY pissed me off BTW!

I loved them, and was pretty ticked that they left Sirius for AAR. They were on in the 6-9PM (Eastern time) time slot, but were based in LA. If they're still in LA, and they're on in the morning, that means they're getting up and doing it in the middle of the night. It may be that they're trying to adjust to a morning drive slot. That may be the problem, because they were often outrageous and always entertaining in their afternoon/evening time period.

I was very turned off to AAR when they fired Marc Maron - I hadn't heard of him before, and I fell for him like a ton of bricks on Morning Sedition, I think he's great. When they left Sirius, Goldberg said something to the effect that it was a great trade off - an insult to me; I got Sirius because they had the entire AAR lineup as it was broadcast. He basically wrote off about a million listeners, me being one of them. Since then they've seemed to be going downhill. I'm not sure what's going on there.
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Frank Cannon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 10:25 AM
Response to Reply #9
12. I liked Maron too
But I REALLY loved the comedy bits of Jim Earl (the Reverend Mort Milfington, "Morning Remembrance") and Kent Jones (Lawton Smalls). I had tears streaming down my cheeks from these guys, I was laughing so hard. It was just what I needed before facing another day of the usual grind.
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Twist_U_Up Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 08:32 AM
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11. So far so good,I like them
They expose the nazis more than Riley thats for sure.
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