Great Keith Olberman one liners
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Thu Sep-21-06 08:37 AM
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Great Keith Olberman one liners |
After doing a brief snippet on worm farms, a segment focusing on worms, followed by a story on Ann Coulter:
"Some segues just write themselves".
One a Worst Person in the World segment where the winner was "comedian Rush Limbaugh". Rush had gone on and on about how obesity problems in the country are caused by government programs handing out food stamps to the needy.
"Food stamps?!? The government gives Rush Limbaugh food stamps?!?"
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Thu Sep-21-06 08:53 AM
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1. We know they are fat from riding around in their Caddies to pick |
up the food stamps. The GOP told me so.
waiting for hope
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Thu Sep-21-06 08:57 AM
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2. We assume the bus was allowed to continue on to its |
Edited on Thu Sep-21-06 09:00 AM by waiting for hope
original destination: 1973.
Mr. Chavez, your comment only makes Pat Robertson look good.
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Thu Sep-21-06 10:06 AM
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3. When Rush was out of work (probably because some prescient |
program director saw trash for what it was and fired him), Rush was on the government dole ... welfare, unemployment compensation ...
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:44 PM
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