The Greatest Scam of All Time
by Martin Weiss
Money and Markets
Washington's Enron-style accounting is now so widespread and so deeply ingrained, the nation could be bankrupt and not even know it. You go to work. You save and invest. You vote in the November election. And you assume that everything is business as usual. Then, one day, you wake up to the shocking discovery that it's not.
Inflation is at least three percentage points worse than what they're telling you. Unemployment and the budget deficit is over double. The national debt is at least five times bigger than official tallies.
Almost every number coming out of Washington has been thoroughly massaged and greatly distorted, almost always with a bias toward sweeping the dirt under the carpet and sugarcoating the truth.
Distortion #1
The True Unemployment Rate Is Over 12%
One of the first new wrinkles in the unemployment stats was added during the Kennedy Administration. And it persists to this very day. Instead of measuring how many people are actually out of work, they figured it would be easier to simply keep track of how many people are applying for jobless benefits.
Distortion #2
The True Inflation Rate Is Over 7%
Probably more so than any other number, the government has a direct, vested interest in keeping its official inflation numbers low. Reason: The higher the rate of inflation, the more it has to pay in Cost of Living Adjustments to Social Security beneficiaries.
Distortion #4
Deficits and Debts
The official 2005 budget listed the U.S. federal deficit at $319 billion. But according to the GAO, if the government followed the same generally accepted accounting principles it demands of corporations, the real 2005 deficit would have been $760 billion -- or more than DOUBLE the official number.