Oh if the Fed. Gov. had the money sports does.
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Thu Sep-21-06 04:03 PM
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Oh if the Fed. Gov. had the money sports does. |
Has anyone else noticed that the Super Dome was fixed for the football season, but the peoples houses in the lower ninth are still under cars and trees, not fixed in time for them to watch it.
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Thu Sep-21-06 04:50 PM
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1. Oh, but they do. THIS government just chooses to piss it away on |
the Iraqi occupation and corporate welfare for Halliburton, along with a whole host of other useless programs intended solely to continue to provide power and/or money to junior and his friends and supporters.
Imagine what could be done with the $9 billion missing in Iraq! (I've worked in accounting before - at the end of the month, you can't be 6 cents out of balance.)
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:05 PM
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