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MEDIA ADVISORY: Forum On Media Accountability Airs Live Tonight

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GuvWurld Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 04:11 PM
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MEDIA ADVISORY: Forum On Media Accountability Airs Live Tonight
September 21, 2006
Forum On Media Accountability Airs Live Tonight
KHUM To Host and Air Panel Discussion Featuring Humboldt Media Makers

Author and election integrity advocate Dave Berman has assembled a panel of Humboldt County media makers for a panel discussion on media accountability airing live from 6-7pm PST tonight on KHUM, 104.3 and 104.7 in Humboldt, and streaming world wide at

"The impetus for this event," explains Berman, "goes back to the June 6 California Primary Election when the Voter Confidence Committee challenged local media not to report what can't be proven (unverifiable election results) and what hasn't been independently verified."

A series of private meetings with local media and elections officials then led to a pair of Op Eds proposing the forum discussion. Participants include radio programmers, Mike Dronkers (KHUM), Tom Sebourn (KGOE) and Paul Encimer (KMUD); newspaper editors Charles Winkler (Eureka Times-Standard) and Glenn Franco Simmons (Eureka Reporter); KIEM-TV3 General Manager Bob Browning; and Berman, who has written a book and writes a blog by the same name: We Do Not Consent.

"Another topic I feel it is important to address," says Berman, "is the he-said, she-said style of journalism that allows opinion and fact to be conflated and presented in a false sense of balance."

Berman's work with the Voter Confidence Committee (VCC) has frequently generated media coverage questioning the security and legality of election conditions. Studies by computer scientists and government agencies, including the Government Accountability Office, substantiate concerns raised by the election watchdog group. Rather than exploring the contents of these reports, local media typically presents the basic charges contrasted by quotes from elections department officials, without regard to the relative weight of fact and opinion.

Tonight's broadcast, dubbed "Media Talkback" is an opportunity for listeners to redefine what is required of media to be considered credible. Fostering such dialog is a part of Berman's approach to blogging, which he calls advocacy journalism. Media from around the country are encouraged to listen online and cover the event. The panel will take calls from listeners at 707-786-KHUM.

The VCC has announced that this will be the first in a series of media accountability forums. The group expects to publicly confirm the date and location of the next event by next week.
# # #

Dave Berman

KHUM call-in line: 707-786-KHUM
Listen online:
# # #

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GuvWurld Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 04:59 PM
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1. Kick (eom)
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AtLiberty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 05:31 PM
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2. Please do a recap --
I won't be able to be on-line at that time.

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GuvWurld Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 06:06 PM
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3. Kick (eom)
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rumpel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 07:51 PM
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4. kick
I hope the event does travel on to major cities across the nation....

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Kip Humphrey Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 10:46 PM
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5. My media message...(heavy graphics)

A reminder of their silence (Austin TX, one of 41 Capitals on 12/12/04):

Another reminder of their silence (March on Washigton, 1/6/05):

And another reminder of their silence (The Gathering To Save Democracy, Nashville TN, 4/8-10/05):

And another reminder of their silence (Election Assessment Hearing, Houston TX, 6/29/05):

...and another (Portland National Summit to Save Our Elections, Portland OR, 9/30 - 10/1/05):

Get the picture?
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