Edited on Fri Sep-22-06 12:18 AM by pat_k
. . .friggin' stand up and do their sworn duty.
They've spent WAY too much time paying attention to Republican propaganda ("We need to focus on a positive agenda," "Americans don't like devisiveness, so we'd better shut up")
As long as they continue to try to escape from their duty to demand Impeachment of Bush and Cheney, they will sound like morally confused, mealy-mouthed morons. As long as they continue to say "Don't worry, we have no intention of Impeaching the man," they are silenced on ALL the crimes being committed by the Bush syndicate.
The only way to fight war criminals is to tell the truth about them -- to accuse them and demand punishment. The only way to fight fascists is to overcome your fears and stand up and fight them.
The fascists are trying to pass the War Criminals Protection Act of 2006, pure and simple. The bill has NO other purpose than to gut U.S Code of any avenue through which the war criminals in the Executive Branch could be prosecuted.
If the Dems tell the truth, they must Impeach. But they are silenced and trapped in denial and delusion, holding on to their irrational fear that they must deny any intention to Impeach, or something BAD will happen.
It is UTTERLY Mystifying. More of us need to have conversations with these people, or with members of their staffs, to find out what in heavens name they could be thinking.
What "positive agenda" do they think they can accomplish when the White House is occupied by a man who rules by signing statement?
Winning the House or Senate is meaningless when the laws passed aren't worth the paper they are printed on.
Impeachment IS Our Positive Agenda -- it is the only way we can redemm our national soul.
What are they afraid of? That the right will get riled because the Dems will impeach?
The right already IS riled because they believe the Dems will impeach -- they just think Dems are too weak and hypocritical to admit it (and they are right -- except that unless we push them, most Dems will still be too wimpy to impeach even if they win). If Dems stood up and demanded impeachment right now, they would probably get some of those folks on the right just for showing they have the spine to stand on principle!
Nancy Pelosi sounded like a crazy person tonight on the Newshour -- blathering on about bi-partisanship, civility, yada, ysda. . . could she really have NO concept of the reality they face? It is physically painful to watch them shooting themselves in the head with their lunatic "strategery."