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C&L:Tim Ryan Blasts the Administration’s Iraq Record

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
cal04 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 09:17 PM
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C&L:Tim Ryan Blasts the Administration’s Iraq Record
Congressman Tim Ryan (D-OH 17th) is no stranger to delivering some powerful speeches on the floor of the House (previous examples here and here) and today was no exception:

Video - WMV Video - QT

Ryan: "This administration wants to talk about anything but the war and the economy. They want to change the debate whenever they can"

He was on fire today as he brought up all the problems going on with Iraq and how the White House refuses to acknowledge them. He finishes with providing a break down of the costs of the war in Iraq, right down to the hour - which is $11.5 million/hour.

(rough transcript below the fold)

Let’s be honest here, Mr. Speaker, this is a joke, OK?

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Freedom_from_Chains Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 09:35 PM
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1. I saw a clip of his speech on the house floor talking about how
Edited on Thu Sep-21-06 09:35 PM by Freedom_from_Chains
much money we are wasting per week in the Iraq war. We need some more leaders that have some fire in their belly instead of the "Can't we all just get alon" crowd.

Hint: No, we can't just all get along while our country is being destroyed by warmongering imperialist.
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sueh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 10:08 PM
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2. Tim Ryan does a good job on the floor...
I keep a tee vee on the House pretty much all the time. I like watching Ryan, Kendrick Meeks, and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz in action. I am proud of these young *thirtysomethings* and I hope the people of their districts will re-elect them.
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roseBudd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 10:14 PM
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3. I liked it so much I made a flyer you can download...
Just updated it to reflect new numbers compliments of Rep. Tim Ryan (D) Ohio

Right click and choose Save Target As:

Let’s be honest here, Mr. Speaker, this is a joke, OK?

Because this is about 84% of Americans saying that we’re losing the war in Iraq. This is about all of these generals that we’ve been showing night in and night out saying there’s no plan to get out of here; there was a bad plan to get in; there was a bad plan to start with; and there was no plan; bad information; bad intelligence; nothing was right. Look back at everything they said about using the oil for reconstruction money; about being greeted as liberators; about all of this nonsense that we heard before.

This is an opportunity for this administration, Mr. Meek, to try to change the subject. And all of a sudden, we’re talking about a few political prisoners–and it has enormous ramifications–but the bottom line is this: this administration wants to talk about anything but the war or the economy.

They want to change the subject when they get a chance to and now we’ve got this debate about military prisoners and I’m not saying that it’s not important, but my God, you got millions of people living in poverty. You got seniors and you threaten them with their Medicare. And you have 40 million people without health insurance. You have stagnant wages. You have gas prices going up, you have health care going up, you have tuition going up, you have poverty rates going up and you have veterans’ benefits going down. And you want to talk about this little sliver to change the subject?

And you’re coming up with new phrases again, fascism and all of this stuff. $8.4 billion per month; $1.9 billion per week in Iraq; $275 million per day in Iraq; $11.5 million per hour in Iraq. If this is the legacy of the Bush administration, you know what? If I was in the White House, I wouldn’t want that talk about this either.

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