Transcript of advertisement as prepared by NBRA: # Script: National Black Republican Association 60-Second Radio Spot Paid for by the Black Republican Freedom Fund, an NBRA 527 affiliate Not authorized by any candidate or political committee
Pam: Dr. King was a real man.
Tina: You know . . he was a Republican.
Pam: Dr. King, a Republican? Really?
Tina: Democrats passed those Black Codes and Jim Crow laws. Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan.
Pam: The Klan . . . White hoods and sheets?!
Tina: Democrats fought ALL Civil Rights Legislation from the 1860’s to the 1960’s. Democrats released those vicious dogs and fire hoses on blacks.
Pam: Seriously!
Tina: And the Dixiecrats? Remained Democrats and vowed to vote for a yellow dog, before a Republican. Republicans freed us from slavery and put our right to vote in the Constitution.
Pam: What?
Tina: Republicans started the NAACP, affirmative action and the HBCU’s.
Pam: Democrats have bamboozled blacks.
Tina: Democrats blocked the minimum wage passed by Republicans. Over 200 billion dollars have been spent on education, healthcare and job training since President Bush took office.
Pam: So, Democrats want to keep us POOR and voting ONLY Democrat.
Tina: Democrats want us to accept same-sex marriages; teen abortions without a parent’s consent and suing the Boy Scouts for saying “God” in their pledge.
Pam: We NEED to THINK! and vote OUR own values.
Tina: Exactly… Democrats have talked the talk, but Republicans have walked the walk.
Pam: I hear ya girl. It time for us to “DO” the walk.
(Together they laugh about it.)