same questions as the last few... my answers haven't changed, but then, I'm one of educated-at-DU.
How likely are you to vote in statewide elections? *Very likely Somewhat likely Not likely Not sure
(If we have any chance, we had all better vote.)
In the 2004 presidential election, the candidates were Democrat John Kerry, Republican George W. Bush, and independent Ralph Nader. For whom did you vote? *Kerry Bush Nader Badnarik Peroutka Cobb Someone else Not sure
In which party are you either registered to vote or do you consider yourself to be a member ... *Democratic Republican Independent Libertarian Constitution Green Natural Law Reform Other Not sure
(Registered Dem)
In the Congressional race in 2006, for which party's candidate do you intend to vote - Democrat or Republican? *Democrat Republican Neither Not sure
(Dem, it's the only choice.)
Please tell me if your overall opinion of George W. Bush is very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable, or you are not familiar enough to form an opinion. Very favorable Somewhat favorable Somewhat unfavorable *Very unfavorable Not familiar Not sure
(dude, you don't want me to get specific. :evilgrin: )
Overall, how would you rate President Bush's performance on the job? Excellent Good Fair *Poor Not Sure
(how about; The WORST. ?)
Thinking about the entire national Congress in general, would you say that Republicans or Democrats in Congress better reflect your values? *Democrats Republicans Neither Not sure
(in general)
Thinking about the congressional delegation in your state, would you say that congressional Democrats or congressional Republicans in your state better reflect your values? *Democrats Republicans Neither Not sure
(in general)
Thinking about all Democratic and Republican leaders in your state, which do you think better reflects your values? *Democrats Republicans Neither Not sure
(in general)
If the Democratic primary for President were held today and the candidates were Evan Bayh, Joe Biden, Wesley Clark, Hillary Clinton, Christopher Dodd, John Edwards, Russ Feingold, Al Gore, Mike Gravel, John Kerry, Bill Richardson, Tom Vilsack, and Mark Warner, for whom would you vote? Bayh Biden Clark Clinton Dodd Edwards Feingold *Gore Gravel Kerry Richardson Vilsack Warner Other Will not Vote in Democratic Primary Not sure
(In a frickin' heartbeat!)
Who is your second choice? Bayh Biden Clark Clinton Dodd *Edwards Feingold Gravel Kerry Richardson Vilsack Warner Other Will not Vote in Democratic Primary Not sure
(after some internal debate...)
What would you say is the most important characteristic for the Democratic nominee for president to have? Says what he/she believes Agrees with you on the issues *Has the right experience to be president Cares about people Can beat the Republican Will change the direction the country is headed Shares your values Other Not sure
(Other: anyone but b*sh other than Bill Orally and RushlimbaughOxycontin.)
In your own words, what are the two top issues facing the country today? (Choose up to two.) Taxes *Jobs and the economy Education/Schools Immigration Health care/insurance/ Prescription drugs Crime/Drugs/Violence Terrorism/Security Welfare/Child care/Homeless/Housing/Poverty Budget/Spending/Deficit Social Security/Elderly Environment Morality/Values Utility rates/Gas prices Politics/Government/Corruption/Campaign finance reform *War in Iraq/Peace/Foreign policy Other (Specify: ) Not sure/None
(difficult choice. Need to add NeoCon WarProfiteers as a choice.)
If the election for governor were held today and the candidates were Democrat Ted Kulongoski and Republican Ron Saxton for whom would you vote? *Kulongoski Saxton Other Not sure
(Ineffective so far, but better than Saxon!)
If the election for governor were held today and the candidates were Democrat Ted Kulongoski, Republican Ron Saxton, Constitution Party Mary Starrett, Libertarian Richard Morley, and Pacific Green Joe Keating, for whom would you vote? *Kulongoski Saxton Starrett Morley Keating Other Not sure
(ditto above, no-one else has a chance.)
fyi :)