that they are "Dixie Chicking" Hugo. I thought this whole war was to spread freedom. Wouldn't that include freedom of speech? If we follow blivet's** logic here, then freedom is something that you should be able to take with you where ever you go. Speaking freely in the US should not be a shocking experience for any one, the speaker or the audience.
You're right. This is the UN. This is where world leaders are allowed to come and make their case to all the other member countries for what ever they see fit to make a case for. Why should Hugo curb his speech because it happens to be on our soil? Does that stop Bolton from speaking ill of any other country or leader or does it embolden him even more?
Look, we can't say we want to spread freedom of speech and thought and political choice if we are going to get insulted by the exercises of that very freedom. It makes hypocrites of us all.
What happened to the old saying, "I don't agree with what you said, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"? Shouldn't matter what country they are standing in, they should be allowed to call things as they see them. blivet** never shys away from an opportunity to do that, and he never shys away from doing it at the UN either.
As for Rangel, I usually agree with his actions, but this was over the top.
We would be well served to get over ourselves and listen to the message instead of looking for a reason to hate the messenger. This has bugged the shit out of me since I heard about it earlier today.
Hypocrites and liars. That is what they have left as a legacy. Sorry if it smarts when you hear it from someone you can't silence, and on a world stage to boot.
Get over yourselves already. The world will continue to spin, unless you are so insulted that you would rather die (and take a good number of us with you) than hear the truth.