One, by University of Minnesota, has (D) Klobuchar up 52-36 with 7 for the Independence Party, and hence only 4% undecided
2.) The second, by Minnesapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune, has got Klobuchar absolutely crushing Kennedy 56-32, with 3% for the Independence Party, 9% undecided.
1.) 52-36-7
2.) 56-32-3
It's looking fantastic now out in Minnesota. You can remove this as one of the open Dem seats we had to worry about, the others being Maryland and Jersey. They're the only ones now. Klobuchar is kicking ass. I was skeptical of the Star Tribune's exthusiastic polling numbers early, but there seems to be a strong shift in Minnesota towards the Democrats in the last month. The last four polls done in the gubernatorial race have shown a complete turn around and the Democrat now leads Governor Pawlenty (R) by a few points, and Klobuchar has increased her average 10 point lead to about 20. Things are looking good out in Minnesota. This is another good poll showing that the supposed "GOP bump" was merely Republicans enthusiastically answering poll questions on the fading embers of 9/11 remembrance.
The GOP is still toast. Count on it.