From a
post in GD-Politics by kaygore which cites
a very disturbing article in The Nation:
As reports circulate of a sharp debate within the White House over possible US military action against Iran and its nuclear enrichment facilities, The Nation has learned that the Bush Administration and the Pentagon have issued orders for a major "strike group" of ships, including the nuclear aircraft carrier Eisenhower as well as a cruiser, destroyer, frigate, submarine escort and supply ship, to head for the Persian Gulf, just off Iran's western coast. This information follows a report in the current issue of Time magazine, both online and in print, that a group of ships capable of mining harbors has received orders to be ready to sail for the Persian Gulf by October 1.
According to Lieut. Mike Kafka, a spokesman at the headquarters of the Second Fleet, based in Norfolk, Virginia, the Eisenhower Strike Group, bristling with Tomahawk cruise missiles, has received recent orders to depart the United States in a little over a week. Other official sources in the public affairs office of the Navy Department at the Pentagon confirm that this powerful armada is scheduled to arrive off the coast of Iran on or around October 21.
Given the President's assertion that the nation is fighting a "global war on terror" and that he is Commander in Chief of that "war," his prominent linking of the Iran regime with terror has to be seen as a deliberate effort to claim his right to carry the fight there. Bush has repeatedly insisted that the 2001 Congressional Authorization for the Use of Force that preceded the invasion of Afghanistan was also an authorization for an unending "war on terror."
And Karl Rove is now bragging about an October surprise in this excerpt
posted at Raw Story from
According to two conservative websites, White House political strategist Karl Rove has been promising GOP insiders that there will be an "October surprise" before the midterm elections.
"In the past week, Karl Rove has been promising Republican insiders an 'October surprise' to help win the November congressional elections," reports Ronald Kessler for Newsmax.
As for the October Surprise, Rove said, "I'd rather let the balance
unroll on its own."
Like I've said for years now. These people are capable of doing literally anything it takes to stay in power. They are apparently willing to start another war just before the November 7 election and they will claim the authority to do so from the congressional authorization for force against Afghanistan. So COngress won't have a thing to say about it before the action already starts, and then Congress has no power to stop it.
Right before Labor Day 2002 they started beating the war drums for war in Iraq. They know people are very wary of that same thing. So they will strike just before the election catching people, dazed, confused and not able to sort out what is really happening. They will call for rallying around the flag and will vilify anyone not going along with the Iran mission. People won't have time to really think and absorb everything about it before they walk into the voting booth.
The ONLY defense we have against this is to be screaming it from the rooftops everywhere just what they are in the process of doing before its too late. If we can take away the surprise effect we can possibly mitigate this. A strategy of screaming an October Surprise is coming was used by the GOP in the fall of 1980 when they feared Carter would pull off releasing the hostages in Iran. Of course, the GOP also sent Poppy Bush to London to negotiate with Iran that they would not release the hostages until after the election.