if you haven't read the DU running commentary on the bush-mush show - please do
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=364x2195641#2195877regarding post# 39: Bush: I am the first president to articulate a two state solution
Took me about 15 minutes to google 2 state solution Israel Palestine and I found these two links.
Please note 2 things regarding the following:
---- The absence of BUSH's NAME anywhere on these pages....
The Clinton Bridging Proposals for Final Settlement
December 2000
http://www.mideastweb.org/clintonproposal.htmFollowing the failure of talks at Camp David in July and the outbreak of violence in September of 2000, Israeli PM Ehud Barak resigned December 10. Nonetheless, in a last minute effort to read a settlement between the sides, negotiators met at Bolling Air Force Base in the USA as guests of US President Clinton. On December 20, Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami and PA negotiator Saeb Erekat met in the White House with President Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. These talks did not produce results. On December 23, President Clinton made a bridging offer summarizing the differences between the sides and proposing the resolution of each issue as stated below. He asked for replies by December 27. Clinton subsequently (January 7) reported that both sides had accepted the proposals as a basis for further negotiations. The proposals as they appeared in various sources are not detailed.. They do not include maps, and seem to refer to principles for dividing up the territory rather than detailed borders, though other sources have produced a map that supposedly accompanied the Clinton bridging proposal. The proposals allude to an international force, but the nature or role of this force is not elaborated.
The account below was released in the Israeli press and is generally accepted as correct. It is not official. No official document was released.
Ami Isseroff
The Clinton Parameters
December 23rd, 2000
http://www.fmep.org/resources/peace_plans/clinton_parameters.html(Note: After the failure of the Camp David Summit in July, 2000 to achieve a peace agreement between Israeli and Palestinian delegations led, respectively, by Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian President Yasser Arafat, negotiations continued between the two sides and gaps between the parties on various issues were narrowed, but there was no comprehensive agreement.
In a last ditch effort, U.S. President Bill Clinton offered the following "Parameters" on December 23 to Israeli and Palestinian negotiators at a meeting in the White House. President Clinton's "Parameters" were not the terms of a final deal, but guidelines for final accelerated negotiations he hoped could be concluded in the coming weeks. He said his terms would not be binding on his successor when he would leave office in January 2001.
Arafat, after a delay, accepted the Clinton parameters, but with questions and reservations. Barak accepted the parameters, but Israel's position was also equivocal. The parameters laid the foundation for the final negotiations that took place in January 2001 at Taba before the election of Ariel Sharon in February 2001 that effectively ended the peace process.