McCain has blood on his hands
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Fri Sep-22-06 03:29 PM
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McCain has blood on his hands |
His idiotic torture agreement with that fucking monkey has endangered the lives of our troops even more. If any marines suffer gruesome deaths by the hands of our enemies in the future, much of the blame will lie at his feet.
How the bastard can live with himself after his pathetic cowering behavior the last two years I'll never know.
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Fri Sep-22-06 03:34 PM
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1. John McCain would have no problem selling the lives of our men... |
and women in uniform just so he could get a term in the White House.
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Fri Sep-22-06 03:37 PM
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2. He has repeatedly caved to the Bushies under pressure |
What kind of leader is that????? There was a time that I considered him the only republican I could vote for, no more.
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Fri Sep-22-06 03:40 PM
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Have you forgotten those two soldiers in Iraq who were captured. They were found days later severly tortured, mutilated and beheaded
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Fri Sep-22-06 03:48 PM
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5. Was that in response to McCain's idiocy? |
Iraq has never been exactly the safest place for out troops to be but McCain has ensured their lives will be in no less danger with this revolting political move.
The scumbag has basically admitted that Bush broke the law.
"There will be no more torture. There will be no more mistreatment of prisoners that would violate standards of conduct we would expect of people who work for the United States of America."
McCain is utter filth and so is the majority of Republican senators. Not that the Democrats are any better. I haven't heard one statement concerning this travesty of justice.
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Fri Sep-22-06 03:49 PM
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He would crawl a mile in raw sewage to be the Gloriious Leader.
The argument about Abuse, Humiliating Treatment and Torture doesn't relate to what has been done to captured troops in Iraq or elsewhere. They would have been tortured no matter what the US policy is. The bottom line is that America should not condone use of Humiliating Treatment and Torture on any suspected "terrorist" detainees on moral and ethical standards.
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Fri Sep-22-06 03:45 PM
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4. And 'our' democratic congresscritters have done WHAT? |
I'm an equal opportunity critic. The dems get no pass on helping to codify torture into our law by doing nothing
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Fri Sep-22-06 03:49 PM
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I'm not letting them off the hook for their inaction.
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Fri Sep-22-06 05:57 PM
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8. Der Monkey's little monkey. I lost all respect for him because of this |
May history curse him and quickly forget him...
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