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Malloy, Chavez, DU and the job at hand.

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
BelgianMadCow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-22-06 03:30 PM
Original message
Malloy, Chavez, DU and the job at hand.
When Mike Malloy was fired at AAR, DU got their collective panties in a wad.
Now when Chavez got denounced by senior democratic representatives, the same happens.

I see a link between the two personalities. Both speak truth to power.

Many like what they say, because it so desperately NEEDS to be said. They keep us sane that way.
Many others dislike their style. Rash, unbecoming tactics similar to the RW, agressive. We all see there is some truth to those observations.

Is Mike Malloy or Hugo Chavez really important in the grand scheme of things?
I think not, even if Malloy is a definitive counter to the flying monkey right. He is only a radio talk show host. Chavez said what the world is thinking and the boost in Chomsky's sales goes to show the impact he had. But he is only one of many world leaders.

They are not the center issue, as DU moderators pointed out. Winning the election IS.

But winning the election, against the POWER of the republican machine, inevitably entails speaking truth to that LYING power. It needs to be done.

These two men can serve as examples that you CAN speak truth to power. More than anything else, I believe that showing people it can be done is key to getting people involved in the election process. So let's all keep that in mind as we garner strength from their example and get out the vote.

What the RW wants is that people, only informed by their teevee and the O'Reillys of this world, keep thinking they are alone with their feelings.

You are NOT alone.


PS : I am hoping this post can attract recommendations of both the people who plead for reason and focus and those who are angry. We need it all.
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tech3149 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-22-06 03:52 PM
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1. I'll give you a kick
Even though I have respect and admiration for both, the most important thing is the cause.
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