Breast cancer activists have been working for 6 years to get the Breast Cancer & Environmental Research Act passed - allocating funds for research to find out how environment (not just pollutants, but also diet, cosmetics, etc.) affect development of breast cancer. Its tough to get funded because no one can make a profit from it - its up to the government and universities to get the research done. Congressional leaders have been playing it both ways - signing up to say they support the bill, but using every trick in the book to keep from passing it.
Here's the latest:
On Wednesday, 9/20, the House Energy and Commerce (E&C) Committee dealt a serious blow to BCERA during the mark-up leading to passage of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) reauthorization bill. During the debate, California Representatives Lois Capps and Henry Waxman together offered an amendment in support of the BCERA AND asked for a recorded vote on the amendment. In an effort to compromise, they even offered to withdraw this amendment in return for a promise from E&C Chairman Barton to bring the stalled Act before the committee at a later time. The Chairman refused. Even though 38 of the 57 Committee Members are co-sponsors of the bill, the amendment was defeated on a party line vote, 23-20, with Charles Bass of New Hampshire the only Republican voting for the amendment.
For more than 6 years, National Breast Cancer Coalition has worked hard and in good faith with Congress to enact this bill. As always, they've done their homework sponsoring two environmental policy summits involving scientists, consumer advocates, and policy makers to develop a national strategy and a bill that is the right approach; secured the broad bipartisan support of 255 House and 66 Senate co-sponsors; and negotiated with Congressional leaders and compromised on language without weakening the intent of the bill. Yet, this bill cannot get to the floor for a House vote. This is unacceptable!
ACTION NEEDED: EVERY DAY FOR THE NEXT WEEK, we need as many people as possible to call the three House leaders below with this message:
"The Breast Cancer and Environmental Research Act, with 255 co-sponsors, deserves a House vote. I urge you to bring this bill to the floor for a vote today!"
1) Speaker Dennis Hastert (202-225-0600) 2) Majority Leader John Boehner (202-225-4000) 3) Republican Conference Chair Deborah Pryce (202-225-5107)
We must let Congress know that women of this country are watching and waiting and that we will hold them accountable for their action or inaction. Starting today, please make these calls every day through September 29th!
Thanks for your help!