YORK In the upcoming issue of The New York Times Magazine this Sunday, political reporter Adam Nagourney profiles Ken Mehlman, chairman of the Republican National Committee. It kicks off under the headline “Lost Horizons” with the deck, “When Ken Mehlman took over the Republican Party, his goal was to secure a G.O.P. majority for decades to come. Now he’s just trying to survive November.””
An advance copy of the issue sent to E&P contained a rather amusing typo in a description of Mehlman’s upbringing, in which he is described as “the son of a certified public account.”
Nagourney notes that while the GOP chief just turned 40, “there are dark bags under Mehlman’s eyes now.” In recent weeks he adds, Mehlman, “who never seemed to take pleasure in the kind of sledgehammer attack that
Rove so clearly savors” has resorted to “searing partisan attacks.” This past summer, Nagourney observed that Mehlman’s usual “bouncy confidence” was missing when they discussed the fall elections. But Mehlman tells Nagourney: “I’m not flipping out.”
Nagourney relates: “His White House colleagues and friends poke fun at his obsession with order and measurement, at his daily spreadsheet of to-do lists.” He quotes Karl Rove on Mehlman: “He’s anal-retentive, man!”