I'm just DROOLIN' for the day when I can start torturin' them dam ferners with the towels on their heads, their god sucks and ours rules, and as soon as that new law the prezdent made about no prosecution for torturin' terrists, ahmo git me some real good torturin' tools down to walmart and first thing ahmo do is interrogate a guy I know at work from some ferrin nation I can't pronounce and make this jerk spill his guts, I can't hardly wait and only the librals and democrat appeasers are holdin' me back!
I'm just itchin' to torture some insurgents usin' the new clarified definitions, cause waterboardin' and panties on the head just don't seem harsh enough fer these gitmo guys, I wanna git even for that humiliatin' we had to take after Abu Gabarab, and flush me some Korans and deprive some o' them dead enders of a few days o' sleep and make em listen to Rosanne Barr sing the national anthem at top volume till they confess for nine one one!
If the Army'll have a convicted and registered sex offender and petty thief with almost a third grade education ahmo try to git in intelligence, that's the ones that git to torture ayrabs, and that's the outfit for me, cause I am just bitin' at the bit to git to torturin' them damn killers and makin' em talk, ooh-ooh-uh uh uh uh--ah ah ah just. can't. wait!