Edited on Sat Sep-23-06 01:43 PM by Opusnone
If you haven't been paying attention (what am I saying, of course you have) here's a reminder of important news stories from the week of September 17-23:
The Pope's comments incite Muslim anger worldwide. Apologizes for the anger, not the comments.
Al Queda warns Muslims to leave the U.S. (right wing sources but worth a mention).
The UN hosts the General Assembly in NY. Chavez and Ahmadenijad give firebrand speeches slamming US policy.
Bush flip flops on chasing Osama in Pakistan.
Pakistan's Musharraf claims Armitage threatened to "send Pakistan back to the stone age..." Musharraf becomes an author.
Hungarians protest corrupt government.
Hezbollah's Nasrallah appears in public in front of 100's of thousands in Lebanon - declares victory.
Thailand stages a military coup while the PM is in NY.
The US Congress decides torture is OK with them.
E coli taints US spinach
The US Navy sends ships to the Middle East
The space shuttle successfully lands amidst debris worries and chemical leaks
Sea ice is breaking apart at an alarming rate allowing passage through the north pole
Rosh Hashana begins
Ramadan begins
Reports of Osama's death swirling in the media
I plan to do this every Saturday for discussion purposes. The 24-hour news cycle gives me a headache.