Edited on Sat Sep-23-06 01:50 PM by Horse with no Name
Look at what I got in my paycheck yesterday. As some of you know, I am a nurse. Yesterday was payday and I got this "interesting" piece of literature in my paycheck. I am highly curious as to why hospitals are dissimenating this to their employees?
I have to type it as I cannot scan it.Anything in quotations or parentheses are my own insertions.
Create an emergency supply kit
The Red Cross recommends that people be prepared to stay at home for extended periods of time, possibly without electricity or water, because "local" services may be disrupted OR because governments may "ask" people to stay home to slow transmission of flu. This means stockpiling all the supplies your family may need including food,water and medications (our government can't take care of you, you should know this by now.)Use the list below as a guide to put together an emergency supply kit. Gather all of these items in a waterproof box or dedicated area of your home, such as a closet or basement. You don't have to buy everything in your emergency supply kit all at once. Instead, buy items gradually over a few weeks or months. Each time you buy something you regularly use, such as canned food or batteries, get an extra to keep in your emergency supply kit.
Emergency supply kit checklist Food and water (2 weeks supply for each person) non-preishables, baby food/formula,water, juice, electrolyte beverages
Nonprescription drugs ibuprofen, acetominophen, cold and cough medications, antidiarrheal medication, vitamins
personal items and toiletries toothpaste, toilet paper,paper towels,tissues, soap,alcohol based hand santizer,feminine hygiene products,contacts and solution
medications and medical supplies first aid kit and manual, 30 days of all prescription medications and supplies, face masks, surgical gloves
other containers and bags for waste, food and supplies for pets, portable radio and extra batteries, flashlight and extra batteries, cash
How Likely is a Flu Pandemic? There have been 3 documented instances of flu pandemics. They occurred in 1918, 1957, and 1968. Many scientists and medical experts believe that there will be another flu pandemic in the near future, but no one can be certain when it will occur or how severe it will be.
On edit I left this off: What is Avian Influenza Bird flu is an infection caused by Avian influenza. These flu viruses occur naturally among birds.
How is Avian Flu transmitted? Avian flu is transmitted by droplets created by people coughing, sneezing or blowing their nose.
(I thought it wasn't in the human population yet????)