Torture is a Moral Issue
EDITOR'S NOTE: This statement was issued Friday by a group of religious leaders and people of faith in Connecticut, in cooperation with Reclaiming the Prophetic Voice, which is a member of the National Religious Campaign Against Torture. Signatories are listed at the end of this essay.
As religious leaders in Connecticut we are deeply concerned, indeed horrified, that Congress is poised to legalize torture. Earlier this week, at a press conference at Hartford Seminary, we spoke in one voice to say emphatically: No torture anywhere anytime--no exceptions. We joined our voices with those of national religious leaders in the National Religious Campaign Against Torture who published an advertisement signed by national figures in Washington's Roll Call on the same day.
We are compelled to speak again because the just-announced Republican "compromise" threatens to compromise the rule of law and the laws of God. Torture is a moral and legal issue; it is also a profoundly religious issue, for it degrades the image of God in the tortured and the torturer alike. Our moral compass is swinging wildly. To tolerate, or worse decriminalize, torture jeopardizes the soul of our nation.
If we were not to raise our voices in outrage at this time, the very stones would cry out....
Rev. Dr. Davida Foy Crabtree, Conference Minister of Connecticut Conference of United Church of Christ
Bishop Andrew D. Smith, Bishop of Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut
Rev Judy Allbee, Executive Minister of American Baptist Churches of Connecticut
Rev. Dana Lindsley, Executive Presbyter of the Presbytery of Southern New England
Dr. Ingrid Mattson, Professor of Islamic Studies of Hartford Seminary and President of the Islamic Society of North America
Rabbi Jeffrey Glickman, Temple Beth Hillel, Wethersfield, Connecticut
Rabbi Donna Berman, Executive Director, Charter Oak Cultural Center
Rev. Allie Perry, Coordinating Committee of National Religious Campaign Against Torture
Badr Malik, Executive Director, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Connecticut Chapter
Rev. Kathleen McTigue, Unitarian Society of New Haven
Rev. Dennis Calhoun, Middlebury Congregational Church
John Humphries, Hartford Friends Meeting
Rev. Thomas O'Rourke, Roman Catholic Church of the Ascension
Rev. Susan Power-Trucksess, Presbyterian Minister
Carl S.Dudley, Faculty Emeritus, Hartford Seminary