From the Daily Howler:
BRODER: Bush was elected twice, over Democrats Al Gore and John Kerry, whose know-it-all arrogance rankled Midwesterners such as myself. The country thought Bush was a pleasant, down-to-earth guy who would not rock the boat. Instead, swayed by some inner impulse or the influence of Dick Cheney, he has proved to be lawless and reckless. He started a war he cannot finish, drove the government into debt and repeatedly defied the Constitution.
Remarkable! Apparently, Broder was too dumb to know how to parse Bush’s record in Texas (more below). Staring out dimly from fine press corps suites, he somehow believed, during Campaign 2000, that Candidate Bush was “a pleasant, down-to-earth guy who would not rock the boat.” Meanwhile, The Dean was rankled by Candidate Gore, bothered by his “know-it-all-arrogance.” Result? Today, he moans about Bush’s conduct, pretending that none of it could have been forecast. And as we mentioned just this Wednesday, he and the rest of his worthless old cohort still won’t admit they were wrong about Gore. (Nor would they do so, or change their scripts, if Gore ran again in 2008.) “They hate Gore,” Mickey Kaus said, reporting from New Hampshire in January 2000. (Kaus’ emphasis. See THE DAILY HOWLER, 6/20/00). Six years later, Broder cops, and even explains; his powdered cohort hated Gore because Gore had a “know-it-all arrogance.” Of course, Broder himself is too dumb and too arrogant to explain just what those starting words mean. The insult is simply typed up again, justification for Broder’s bad judgments.
By the way, how bad was Broder’s judgment about Candidate Bush? No, Bush’s deviance wasn’t fully predictable, but Broder is a screaming fool to pretend that the problems could not be foreseen. Just re-read this piece by Lou Dubose—a Nation piece from April 1999—if you think that Bush’s kleptocratic style is something that emerged from thin air. Dubose spelled it out rather clearly: The handing of major Texas state agencies to Bush’s grasping corporate cronies; the large tax favors to the rich; the refusal to attend to the health of poor children, even when the feds were paying; the compromised earlier business career; and, alas, forerunner to Broder, “a capital press corps that is so friendly to the governor that some reporters regularly violate the state's archaic sodomy statute, which Bush supports.” We’d have skipped the sodomy business ourselves, but then, as now, the “press” had surrendered. According to Dubose, the Texas press corps had walked off its posts long before Bush announced for the White House. And then, in the months after Bush announced, the great Dean Broder walked off his post too. He proved it with that bizarre pair of columns about those crucial convention speeches. And now, this week, he has finally confessed; just as Mickey Kaus (and Al Hunt) had said, this lazy old man hated Gore.
David Broder’s column this week is an important part of recent world history. Six years later, he finally describes his own remarkable set of misjudgments. But please note: He still pretends that Gore was a bad man, and that there were no troubling signs from Bush. Nor does he tell you what he did because of his own self-pitying judgments. But go ahead! Re-read that remarkable pair of columns about the 2000 convention speeches. You’re gazing on the work of a crook—a fixer, a con man, a corrupt, lawless pundit. And you’re seeing how a similar “lawless” man ended up where he now is.