We could save millions of dollars in research if we just use the terrorists we've gathered from around the world and conduct experimental medical procedures on them and advance the science of human perfection. Instead of using Rhesus monkeys, use actual living human beings, who don't really have souls anyway, not these terrorists, they deserve no less, as they would harm humanity, while we would evolve it to a higher level.
If you torture terrorists, they don't really feel pain like we do, sort of like putting a worm on a hook and grandpa told you the worm didn't really feel it.
So simply taking the next step would be a simple enough matter, one could advance military science too by seeing how new microwave weapons might work on live people, or what new types of gases and bio-chemical weaponry work best on killing homo sapiens.
Torturing people to death is okay I guess, but I think with so many human guinea pigs at our disposal we could advance the science of torture to new heights, to make it the most effective and humiliating and de-humanizing as possible in fighting the war on terror.
Dr. Josef Mengele, from hell.
p.s. here's the little sarcasm logo::sarcasm: