Edited on Sun Sep-24-06 11:49 AM by bigtree
Frist Rebuts Report that Claims Iraq War Fuels Terror
Sept. 24, 2006 — Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said he had not seen the classified National Intelligence Estimate that reportedly alleges that the Iraq war has worsened the problem of terrorism throughout the world, but suggested terrorism is a problem that transcends the Iraq war.
"It's a classified report and I haven't read it," Frist told ABC News' "This Week with George Stephanopoulos"
These bastards need to be impeached. Exploiting our military forces in Iraq without any justification at all from their own internal intelligence report -making it up as they go along - is the height of tyranny. How long will the American people continue to tolerate being lied to? If we long tolerate these latest betrayals of our trust we will find ourselves prisoner to their every act. God help our country.