In a taped interview with former President Bill Clinton that aired on the September 24 edition of Fox News Broadcasting Co.'s Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace asked Clinton why he failed to "do more" during his presidency to put Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden "out of business." Clinton responded with a vigorous defense of his administration's anti-terrorism policies, noting that he instituted a "comprehensive anti-terror strategy" during his tenure in the White House and that many conservatives had accused him at the time of being "too obsessed with finding bin Laden." He then told Wallace: "I want to know how many people in the Bush administration you've asked this question of. ... Tell the truth." Wallace replied, "Have you ever watched Fox News Sunday, sir? ... We ask plenty of questions." Clinton later stated, "
ou people ask me questions you don't ask the other side," to which Wallace responded, "That is not true." In fact, in dozens of interviews over the past five years with senior Bush aides, Wallace and former host Tony Snow have repeatedly failed to ask pressing questions regarding the Bush administration's efforts to pursue Al Qaeda in the eight months prior to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks -- and in the years since.
Here is a list of senior Bush administration officials interviewed on Fox News Sunday since September 11, 2001. (White House press secretary Tony Snow previously hosted the program. Wallace succeeded him in December 2003.):
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice; 9/10/06
National Security adviser Stephen Hadley; 8/6/06
Rice; 7/16/06
Rice; 6/4/06
Rice; 5/21/06
Rice; 3/26/06
Rice; 12/18/05
Hadley; 12/4/05
Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld; 11/20/05
Rice; 10/16/05
Rumsfeld; 6/26/05
Rice; 6/19/05
Hadley; 5/15/05
Then-White House chief of staff Andrew Card; 5/1/05
Rumsfeld; 3/20/05
Hadley; 3/13/05
Vice President Dick Cheney; 2/6/05
Rice; 1/30/05
Rice (then-National Security adviser); 10/10/04
Rice; 6/27/04
Rice; 6/6/04
Rice; 4/18/04
Rumsfeld; 3/28/04
Card; 12/7/03
Rumsfeld; 11/2/03
Rice; 9/28/03
Rice; 9/7/03
Rice; 7/13/03
Rumsfeld; 5/4/03
Rumsfeld; 3/30/03
Rice; 2/16/03
Card; 1/26/03
Rumsfeld; 1/19/03
Rice; 11/10/02
Rice; 9/15/02
Card; 6/9/02
Rice; 5/26/02
Cheney; 5/19/02
Rice; 5/5/02
Card; 4/14/02
Rice; 2/3/02
Cheney; 1/27/02
Rumsfeld; 11/11/01
In the March 28, 2004, interview with Rumsfeld, Wallace did press him on whether the Department of Defense should have "been thinking more about" terrorism prior to 9-11... But beyond this exchange, the Fox News Sunday interviews listed above have almost entirely ignored several key questions regarding the Bush administration's efforts to pursue bin Laden and Al Qaeda...