Times are tough and getting tougher. Things are looking bleak as the NeoConzis try to tighten their serpentine grip on America and the World. The Press Corpse marches along in zombie lockstep. Joe Bob Six-Pack is happy as long as gas doesn't get over about $3.50. We're pouring our blood and dollars into the sand to enrich the War Industry. Big Oil is, seemingly, in control. How do we escape? Do we?
I think we do. If a couple of things prove true, which I believe are true, then the NeoConzi scheme is about to hit some major speed bumps.
Number 1: Peak Oil. The thing that animates the monsters in control is getting harder and harder to deliver. China and India are increasing demand. Prices will continue to go up, even after the smoke and mirrors and the songs and dances. RepubliCons can only give a stagnant economy, for the average American, at best. Higher energy prices are going to make cracks in the foundation of Mordor.
Number 2: Catastrophic Climate Change is going to continue apace. This will happen because: we will continue burning petroleum. At a point in the very near future the majority of Americans are going to realize that things can't go on as they have been. With gas prices up (see #1) there will be more incentive to get off the oil teat.
If 1 and 2 continue to manifest themselves there will be a crisis for the Oil Barons. Unless they scramble and get a strangle hold on the majority of alternate fuel producing mechanisms then their goose will be cooked.
Millions will die. Times will get harder. The factors of Peak Oil and Climate Change can be our salvation if our "leaders" position the Democratic Party to lead the way in solving these dangerous problems. If Dems sit idly by and stay hunkered down in the Corporate pockets, then there will be more drastic political changes.
Anyway, Fate, or Karma, or God, or whatever (Chance?) has put these forces into play and they will soon overwhelm the Evil Empire. Or will they?????????