war. Way back then. This was before the invasion, and after Colin Powell's BS at the UN about WMDs (so they'd heard those BS arguments; however, that they were 100% BS was not yet known). Also, about half of that 56% opposed the war outright. The other half would only agree if it was a UN peacekeeping mission (i.e., international consensus that action was required). In other words, they didn't trust Bush. Way back then. That was a remarkable percentage opposed to the war, given the 24/7 propaganda spewing from not just Faux News, but all the channels, and not just TV, the goddamned NYT shilling for Bush's war on page one, day after day.
56%, in a presidential election, is a landslide.
I've argued all along that the American people are a lot better informed, and much more progressive, than anyone gives them credit for. That 56% poll got me real interested. What's going on here? A big majority against the war, before it even starts, yet we have war anyway. I also noticed another stat: 63% of Americans opposed to torture "under any circumstances" (May '04). Under any circumstances! 63%! That stat brought tears to my eyes. Wow, I thought, my fellow Americans are not buying this crap from Bush. They're sticking to their sense of ethics and justice and lawfulness, despite 24/7 propaganda. And they're going to rise up and throw these criminals out of office. I was watching a lot of polls. Major disagreement between people and government on EVERY major policy, foreign and domestic.*
Well, after the 2004 election, I finally figured it out. If you're going to shove an unjust war down peoples' throats, in a democracy, you have to rig the elections.
They weren't rigged back in 1968. That's why LBJ had to step down. Very unpopular war, Vietnam. People turned against it, once they saw what it was (given the more honest news coverage of that era). LBJ could not run for a 2nd term.**
IF our democracy was in working order, the same thing should have happened 2004. A president in disgrace due to lies and deceit about unjust war. And, with Bush/Cheney, you didn't even have the War on Poverty, the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act as mitigating factors (as LBJ did). These guys are unmitigated bastards. No redeeming features.
Some things were not yet known in 2004: pervasive domestic spying, bold, blatant "in your face" lawbreaking, torture memo writer Alberto Gonzales as AG, the Downing Street Memo. But plenty was known: widespread torture, no WMDs in Iraq, growing chaos in Iraq, billions of dollars missing in Iraq, lies and deceit, treason (outing a CIA agent to cover up war lies), deficit out of control, multiple tax cuts for the rich. (I mean, even if you consider a lot of Americans to be uninformed sheep or stupid, callous couch potatoes, you'd think they would vote in their own interest. A $10 trillion deficit and tax cuts for the rich is not in their interest, and is a brutal assault upon them.***)
First thing that happens, the antiwar candidate (Dean) is knocked out of the race. So, the people are left with two choices: the guy who started the unjust war, and a guy who voted for it. But that doesn't stop the tremendous grass roots movement that arose to oust the Bush Cartel. The Greens, the independents, the Naderites, the new voters, voted for Kerry in overwhelming numbers, and, along with the Democratic rank and file, got out and worked hard--and very successfully--to elect him. (60/40 blowout success for the Democrats in new voter registration in 2004!). Change was in the air. You could smell it. Word on the street: "This is the most important election in our history." People were dragging all their non-voting co-workers and family members to the polls. It was the greatest expression of democracy I had ever seen in the U.S., bar none.
I had two hints of what was going to happen, but they were not enough to get me to think that Bush could survive this American uprising: 1) In spring 2004, our CA Sec of State, Kevin Shelley, sued Diebold for their lies about the security of their machines, decertified their worst machines (the touchscreens), and provided Californians with a paper ballot option at the polls. But I did not realize how widespread these electronic voting machines had become, nor how riggable they are, nor how and why this had happened; 2) my mate (my weather vane) said to me, in spring 2004, that Bush and Cheney were too arrogant, like they have it all sewed up--it had him spooked. (The Abu Ghraib torture photos had just come out.)
Nevertheless, I was floored by the 2004 election theft. I felt really bad for about 30 minutes, then I started putting it all together (then I found DU and TIA).
If you're going to shove an unjust war down peoples' throats, in a democracy, you HAVE TO rig the elections. So, how did they do it?--was my question, not whether or not they did. It was obvious to me that they did, and that these Diebold machines (that Kevin Shelley was so wary of) were the key. (And is it any wonder they subsequently "swiftboated" Shelley out of office, on entirely bogus corruption charges. He was a major threat to their rotten e-voting scheme--as well to its future uses--and was rallying secy's of state around the country to challenge this technology. I've subsequently learned that one of the items in his lawsuit was a demand that they disclose their source code.)
Some people blame the corporate news monopolies. And they are, indeed, very much to blame--but their crime is somewhat different than many leftists believe. They never did convince anybody of anything. Their propaganda FAILED. 56% of the people could see through it, way back in Feb. '03 (--an amazing feat of the American people). Their crime is to act as the prop--one of the pillars--holding up an illegitimate regime. The one thing they have been able to convince people of is that, somehow, some way, OTHER Americans have gone nuts and support George Bush, and that WE, the progressive majority are in the minority (or that we are, in any case, powerless against the rightwing machine). They act as the force of demoralization and disempowerment of the majority. (And if anyone does not believe that this is a corporate media conspiracy to prop up the Bush Junta--a concerted effort of the 5 billionaires who control all "news" in this country--they have only to visit www.TruthIsAll.net, and consider their doctoring of their own exit polls, on election eve, to force them to fit the results of Diebold/ES&S's "trade secret," proprietary vote counting software.)
So, what are we to make of this new Zogby poll, that more than half of those polled have no confidence, or little confidence, in the 2004 election? How you vote is different from what you think of an election. You may vote for A, but figure that B won, as to numbers of votes--aside from sleazy campaign tactics, corporate funding, or whatever--not enough people saw through it, and, in that case, you may blame the "sheeple" factor, but you can't argue with the vote. But concluding that the election was literally stolen is another matter entirely, except for this: motivation to steal the election. Public office = power. Everybody knows this. That is a reason to steal elections. That is WHY elections are supposed to be TRANSPARENT. The age-old reason. However, add to this that candidate B is an incumbent who has committed grave crimes, and NEEDS to remain in office to continue committing crimes and to prevent investigation, and you have reason for MORE suspicious than you would normally have, of the election result. I think this is probably what many in this Zogby poll believe: the Bush Junta's motives to steal the election were overwhelming. (They also have 2000 as a precedent.) WOULD these people steal an election if they could? OF COURSE they would!
The other issue is HOW, and this is where many Americans are deficient in information (due to the fact that the takeover of our election system with "trade secret," proprietary vote counting software, owned and controlled by Bushite corporations, during the 2002-2004 period, is THE black-holed news story of all black-holed news stories). I would guess that about half of those who distrust the 2004 election know how it was stolen. And some of those are confused about the Ohio vote suppression. And so am I, for that matter. At times, I'm fairly convinced that Ohio happened BECAUSE of Bushite control of vote totals in other states. They confidently suppressed votes, in plain view, in a blatantly illegal fashion, because the OTHER vote stealing they did, around the country, gave them immunity against loss of the election and, thus, against any legal consequences as to the Voting Rights Act. In other words, they gleefully stomped all over black and other poor voters GRATUITOUSLY. But there is also a good argument that they may have had limits on how much e-vote stealing they could do, in other places, without raising too many eyebrows, that the malicious code didn't work well enough to handle the Kerry landslide, and couldn't be easily changed on election day, and that it all really did "come down to Ohio," where multiple vote stealing tactics had to be used.
Also, the vote suppression is, in many ways, far more disturbing than the e-voting scam. Corrupt White House, corrupt Congress, corrupt state/county elections officials, and a completely corrupted vote counting process. Okay. We can see how these things happened, and these things can be fixed. But what of the hearts and souls of ordinary Americans--the people on the boards of elections, the office workers, the Republican election workers--who wink at suspicious vote totals, egregiously non-transparent vote counting, bullying and threatening of the poor, unfairly challenging them at the polls, throwing their "provisional" ballots out? What of lower tier election officials in Diebolded counties, with highly corrupt higher officials, saying nothing? And, finally, what of the Democratic Party upper leadership, who dismissed all this--along with Bushite corporate control of the e-voting systems--and forbade any talk of election fraud?
How Diebold/ES&S--and thus the Bush Junta--gained control over election results is easier to understand than how ordinary Americans (Republican or not), and Democratic leaders, tolerated this egregiously undemocratic process (e-voting) and massive illegal, unethical, un-american conduct (vote suppression). It is dismaying, to the say the least. A moral breakdown. A loss of the fundamentals of democracy, in some peoples' hearts. I am not at all concerned about the American majority. There is overwhelming evidence that it remains progressive, in the teeth of relentless propaganda. The rightwing is a minority--always has been, always will be. (It has merely been given a Big Trumpet by the war profiteering corporate news monopolies, way out of proportion to its numbers.) But I AM concerned about the loss of belief in democracy among election officials (or is it just corruption, in their case?), among ordinary Republican election workers and activists, and among the top Democratic leadership. How can any of them have tolerated these blatant Bushite assaults on our election system?
On the positive side, I think that WHERE the 2004 was stolen was mostly in Republican areas. They stole the votes of Republicans who voted for Kerry. (I have good reason to believe this was true in California, and I know Cliff Arnebeck suspects it in Ohio--and I extrapolate for there. Where would it be easiest to steal Kerry votes? Among Republican defectors from Bush, in areas where unethical, un-american Bushite officials preside! I also have some anecdotal evidence to this point--Republican defection from Bush--in 2004, in San Diego.)
Think about that 80% of Republicans who are "confident" that Bush won. That leaves 20% who have doubts. 20% of Republicans! (--including 5% who have no confidence in it at all). Could that also be the Republican votes for Kerry that were stolen? It reminds me of the 56% opposed to the Iraq war. That figure HAS to include some Republicans, who, way back in Feb. '03, had lost confidence in Bush. (My little San Diego anecdote also confirms this--a group of retired lawyers, doctors, military and foreign service who thought Bush was "nuts" to invade Iraq.) If 20% of Republican voters defected from Bush in 2004, they of course would have some doubts that Bush won. They might not have the low opinion that we do of Bushite ethics--and thus have not been inspired to look into the matter (and haven't "done the math")--but common sense tells them that if they and some of their friends had lost confidence in Bush, and voted for Kerry, they were not alone--ergo, with all the Democrats enthused about ousting Bush, how could Bush have won? (--and if their thinking goes any further, into the facts about our fraudulent election SYSTEM, their doubts would be further aroused). 20% is a lot of Republicans to have doubts about Bush winning.
A poll on peoples information level about the election system, and about the facts of the 2004 election, and where they got their information, would be interesting. But I think we can pretty much guess how it would come out, as to level of information. Those who have no confidence that Bush won, or have doubts, have the most information (the majority, slightly over 50%). And the remainder are either uninformed, uninvolved citizens (probably about 35%), or don't care (corrupt, fascist, would just as soon see Democrats rounded up and silenced--about 15%). The most fascinating question would be where the informed people got their information. Because this is key to the future of our country. What kind of informal, community, "word of mouth" networks are being created by ordinary people, to get around the disinformation of the government and the corporate news monopolies? And how much has the internet and email lists helped? (--I would think they have helped a lot.) The early American revolutionaries had Tom Paine's "committees of correspondence." Is the internet our modern version? And what else is going on--meetings, books, articles, conversations over the back fence. (I had one of the latter--a surprising "back fence" conversation--that put me onto the voter revolt via Absentee Ballot voting, the means by which ordinary people are trying to get around the electronic voting machines. They don't know the perils of AB voting. They DO know something about the perils of e-voting. They want a PAPER BALLOT, HAND-COUNTED. And I got to thinking: what if we ALL just voted by Absentee Ballot? It wouldn't necessarily insure accurate vote counts, but it WOULD cause all hell to break loose in the election theft industry! What would they do, if nobody would vote on their diabolical machines? Ha!)
Well, enough of my jabber. Autorank, many blessings upon you for your awesome work on this matter!
*(These stats people keep citing about 50% believing Saddam had WMDs and/or had something to do with 9/11 are quite interesting in this respect. EVEN WITH this disinformation rattling around in their heads, nearly 60% of Americans opposed the war then, and even more opposite it now. Upshot: They didn't/don't agree with Bush's INTERPRETATION on these non-facts, nor with his ACTIONS regarding them. Saddam was NOT a sufficient threat to warrant a war against Iraq. I think it shows fine discrimination by the American people, and a lot of effort to "read between the lines.")
**The fascists learned a couple of lessons there. Hide the body bags, for one. No pictures. "Embed" reporters, so they'll get fragged if they report the truth. Don't do a Draft (a Draft works for a just war--many people even volunteer--but not for an unjust one). Go with the professional military (and of course these days, mercenaries). Since the military is trained to obey orders, work 'em to death with multiple tours of duty. Etc.)
***(However, I don't hold this view of most Americans. My average American is a brown-skinned woman with 2 low-paying jobs, supporting 3 kids and a caring for her aging mother, and angling to get into a training program, or to get her community college AA. Neither sheep, nor couch potato. I think there are a lot more of her than there are idiots or freepers, and she knows well enough how the Bush Junta harms her. Despite her busy and responsible life, she reads between the lines when the "news" comes on.)
Bust the Machines--Vote by Absentee Ballot this November!
If the 60% to 70% of Americans who despise the Bush Junta vote by Absentee Ballot, the reign of these election theft machines will be OVER!