Now, whether they actually did it or didn't do it is an interesting question. I don't think it's -- they could do it. The oil companies -- this doesn't --
there doesn't need to be any conspiracy here. So, for the conspiracy theorists, they can have that put to bed. Back in July, both crude oil and gasoline hit their highest recorded prices. Gas was averaging about $3.a gallon. By mid-September, oil had dropped about $15 a barrel, so gas should have dropped about $0.45 a gallon. It actually dropped $0.50 a gallon, and it's dropped more since then.
Could President Bush have had anything to do with plummeting gas prices? We asked Professor Akshay Rao, who studies pricing strategies.
DR. AKSHAY RAO, INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MARKETING AT THE CARLSON SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA: Surely, if he picked up the phone and made, you know, five or 10 strategic phone calls, he might be able to influence prices to some degree. But, you know, I -- I think that it's a fairly farfetched theory.
What's more conceivable, according to Rao, is that the energy industry cut prices without any prompting from Washington. That's because they're worried that if the Democrats win, they'll follow up on threats to tax the energy industry more heavily. (I would surmise that billions of subsidies given to profit-bloated Big Oil by the Republican controlled Congress would indeed be on the table if Democrats gain control of Congress. Excess profits tax might also be considered.)
We put that idea to big oil's P.R. People. DOUGHER:
It can't be done. They couldn't do it if they wanted to do it. (END VIDEOTAPE)
Now, whether they actually did it or didn't do it is an interesting question. I don't think it's -- they could do it. The oil companies -- this doesn't -- there doesn't need to be any conspiracy here. So, for the conspiracy theorists, they can have that put to bed.
Maybe the oil companies realize that the Democrats coming in, it's going to be bad for them, because the Democrats have pretty much said to the oil companies, we're going to pile the taxes on if we take over in November. M. O'BRIEN: Which is why there'll be no e-mails saying this. It just...
No smoking gun.
M. O'BRIEN: ... if it is happening, it just happens organically, shall we say?
VELSHI: And that's what it is.