The reason Americans think the Democratic Party is "weak on terror" or "weak on security" is because Democrats don't stand up to Republicans.Makes sense to me. Here's some more from the article: anything be more (retrospectively) obvious? (I'm not saying no one else here has realized this. But I hadn't, and I haven't read anyone, anywhere, making as big a deal about it as should be made. So indulge my enthusiasm.) This picks up on everyone's ecstasy over Bill Clinton's sharp and, really, pretty unrelenting retort to the odious Chris Wallace recently. Arianna correctly chided him on coming late to the partisan game and hoping he'll do it some more.
If the people in the sloshy political center know anything, it's that Republicans diss Democrats and are their mortal enemy--even if everyone deplores it. The combat that plays out every day in the news is not between "us" and "the terrorists." It's between the administration, its enablers in Congress, and the saloon loudmouths on talk radio, and the Democrats. And who's winning?