Edited on Mon Sep-25-06 04:58 PM by undergroundpanther
As in Brain Dead?
For all you folks that thought it was ok for the STATE to say it was OK for Terri Shiavo to be killed,(futility of life laws etc.)remember what you supported than and where it leads us NOW.. It's sad but if you get to know some homeless people chances are a few of your new friends will be vets from previous wars.Vets who have PSTD,and addictions and cannot cope with what they saw or did. These vets are INJURED in the soul,traumatized. Traumatized for a reich man's greed and thrown away by the very snotball shallow me first society he was told he was fighting for. Every generation gets duped by guts and glory but never figures out to ask WHO really BENEFITS from that war shit,really before they sign up?.
Bush and the rich in this country have always HATED the poor and the 'weak'.Because our country right now is being run by covert Nazis.They BELIEVE in Eugenics,Might makes right etc. they are psychopath bullies who think they are god men and have a divine right to rule and dispose of our lives as THEY wish..Now they want to drown the part government that provides services to POOR people,disabled,veterans,mentally handicapped,or injured ,IMPERFECT people, basically they want to "the weak"from the'herd' And generate ETERNAL WAR..=,in other words that neocon imperative to shrink,dismantle and drown the social safety net in a bathtub is a NAZI idea a roundabout way of saying lets cull the weak. Every hospital can become a gas chamber now.Perfect disguise ya think? Hidden in plain sight,Perfect plan in Satanic Principles as taught by Anton LaVey... You cannot cut off weak people's lives with too many weakness sympathizers around,like loved ones who don't want their veteran comatose kids to be yanked off life support for some hospital companies 'shareholders profits are looking less than decadent..
Back when Terri was took off life support by court order of the STATE, It basically gave big MONEY and the STATE the right to MURDER people.I saw this tragedy coming. Before Terri's big hoo hahh..already I had heard reports of how the new armor was causing more brain injuries in soldiers, coming home..More than previous armor versions did,and it really bothered me when Terri's case came up,and Dem's were crying for her "right to die" Too damn hung up on opposing ANYTHING the fundies supported,they played RIGHT INTO the Neocon Plans,Dumb asses indeed hung up by blind support of certain freedom sounding ideologies again..
I warned you all.But, noooo nope nobody listened,they called me everything from a fundie to a neocon sympathizer,on DU.. But On disability forum they well understood me and what I saw coming ,but than again disabled folks know what kind of bullshit 'the caring profession'pulls when you are not"normal" or pretty"healthy" bodied. "Care" is but a mask for CONTROL.I knew alot more Iraq vets probably would be coming home with brain damage,and I saw greedy ass corporations whining about We can't PAY for these pEoPle to remain on life support forever,I saw Tort reform..I saw the death camps come in the form of"care"..but nobody else thought about that. The Neocons thought lets get people into hysterics,rile up the fundies so the Dem's will oppose them, and the STATE passed a LAW in the name of "humanitarian compassion" for Terri's plight..that lets the rich thug, KILL disabled or comatose people rather than be stuck losing profits over trying to help them than.
It is and was always will be for these Nazi types,.KIll KIll KIll the poor kill the "weak"..
Less "weak people around to shame the greedy, less the rich have to pretend they care or justify their greed ..and put on a show so people will do what they want them to do,like work their lives away for peanuts feeding their soul to the company store..