Edited on Mon Sep-25-06 01:22 PM by bluemarkers
was very pointed about this topic. When asked which (terrorism or warming) is more important, he responded that they both are. One is an immediate threat. The other long term. Both are threats to civilization. One we can contain, the other we may not be able to. So the governments of the world need to work together.
I;m going on memory here, but he pointed out that Global Warming will have effects on a scale unheard of - water and food shortages, refugees. Scared the heck out of me.
I am very afraid of this, and can not allow myself to dwell on it. I respond to people who make fun of me, to wait 2 more decades. Then if I am in error, mock me at will. If I am correct, how will you tell your grandkids you doomed them? I try one at a time.
I can't prove we can still save the Earth. But I think we can. It's worth a try.