Sen. George Allen: When He's Not Stealing Identities, He's stealing Amendments
Robert Paul Reyes
George Allen was born and raised in Los Angeles County, but he is not your typical California dude. Allen turned his back on his Golden State roots and adopted the persona of a good old boy. With his "aw shucks demeanor", his cowboy boots, his love for Confederate flags, and his chin dripping from chewing tobacco, Allen was able to fool the people of Virginia into thinking that he was one of them. His shtick worked well enough to get him elected as governor and senator. Allen was hoping that his reelection campaign for the Senate would be a coronation and springboard to the White House.
But then George Allen stepped on a pile of Macaca, and just as he was dusting himself off -- it was discovered that he was Jewish. Of course there is absolutely nothing wrong with being Jewish, but Allen relied on his redneck appeal to win elections in Virginia. My guess is that Allen is terrified that the genuine good old boys will be turned off by his Jewish roots. California dude? Good Old boy? George "Felix" Anderson? Opportunistic con man? Will the real George Allen please stand up? Or better yet, will the real George Allen go away.
George Allen doesn't just steal identities, he also steals amendments from his colleagues. Earlier this month Allen appropriated Senator Durbin's appropriations amendment by introducing it on the Senate floor moments before the real author had the opportunity to introduce it. Incredibly, Allen insisted that his bill was different because he changed the word "will" to "shall." And we thought that President Clinton was straining credulity by parsing the meaning of "is".
I don't know about my fellow Virginians, but I'm not voting for George "Sybil" Allen, I will, or should I say, I "shall" vote for James Webb.