Edited on Mon Sep-25-06 03:05 PM by TahitiNut
IMHO, blind partisanship is the greatest turn-off, whether it's in viciously attacking Greens or slavishly supporting Bush (because he's "ours") or embracing (and funding) a total fascist fuck called Ben Nelson just because his label-du-jour is "D."
I think it's a fundamental error to cluster "independent" into some ridiculously simplistic and superficial left-right spectrum. If anything, the majority of independents are opposed to the authoritarian establishment politics of both parties where the loyalists cheer no matter what, and are liberal socially, demand far more fiscal responsibility (i.e. harness military spending), and are disgusted with the corporate ass-kissing.
Remember, "free market" and "export democracy" are supposedly "left" positions. That's why the current crop of GOP fascists include "neo-liberals."
If you want an example of an 'issue' that independents (such as myself) say "A POX ON BOTH YOUR HOUSES!" ... consider the fact that NEITHER party is screaming about Law Enforcment with EMPLOYERS when it comes to importing labor (NOT 'immigration' but 'workers'!!) and exporting jobs. But the addiction to corporate money is so deeply embedded in both Coorporate Parties that we'll never hear a unified stance from either party on this rape of labor, both blue-collar and white-collar.