FBI testing stain
Meanwhile, a source familiar with the Starr investigation tells CNN that a definable stain is visible on the blue cocktail dress given to investigators by Lewinsky.
The source also says there is enough stain available for further testing, but it remains unclear what the substance is. Starr's prosecutors are having the FBI test the dress, a key piece of evidence in the final weeks of an investigation into alleged presidential perjury and obstruction of justice.
"If it is true that she has telephone tapes and the taped words belie his (Clinton's) assertion (that he never had a sexual relationship with Lewinsky), then it not only embarrasses him but creates a crisis of confidence in his presidency," commented presidential biographer Robert Dallek.
That view was also echoed by Leon Panetta, the former California congressman who was Clinton's chief of staff from 1994 to 1997.
"We're at the most crucial point of this entire matter," Panetta said.
But despite some Congressional voices raising the specter of impeachment, Panetta does not expect such a move. He does, however, expect a Congressional "admonition" -- a legislative rap on the knuckles -- that would likely weaken Clinton's presidency.
From day one, Clinton maintained he never had a "sexual relationship with that woman.
"http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/1998/08/01/clinton/index.html?eref=sitesearch#2 Factoid:
DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is a large nucleic acid molecule that contains what is often described as a person's genetic fingerprint. That information is unique to each person since it is inherited from father and mother. Sperm, blood or saliva are considered good sources to test a person's DNA.
FBI scientists testing the alleged stains on Monica Lewinsky's dress will be looking to see whether there is a DNA link to Clinton from that stain.
Scientists say DNA can be degraded by bacteria but not necessarily by washing or dry cleaning. http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/1998/08/01/clinton/index.html?eref=sitesearch#2