It’s true that Mr. Schwarzenegger signed the Million Solar Roofs bill. And today his campaign has also sent out an email dispatch taking challenger Phil Angelides to task for “running from his environmental record.”
But he also showed today that when it comes to the less sexy and flashy environmental decisions — you know, like protecting people from the things that actually kill them, even it costs businesses a trivial amount of cash — he’s the girliest man of all.
California State Senator Alan Lowenthal’s container fee bill would have imposed a $30 fee per 20-foot container moving through the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. It would have generated $500 million annually to be split three ways: To the state air board for cleaning up the polluted air that fells 2,400 port-adjacent residents every year; to the ports themselves for better security; and to the California Transportation Commission to improve rail service.
Oh, and by the way, that rumor you heard about Schwarzenegger giving up his Hummers is just that: He’s keeping ‘em. Not everything Drudge links to is true.