Edited on Mon Sep-25-06 07:48 PM by LynnTheDem
What if YOU TRIED to get OBL and were ridiculed and stonewalled and obstructed?
"wag the dog!" "No war for Monica!"
What if YOU KNEW terrorists like OBL were gunning for your countrymen, and YOU WARNED the incoming government about it, over and over and over again and they just brushed you off, demoted the man whose "hair was on fire" as he ran around trying to warn about OBL?
What if the incoming government NINE MONTHS LATER still had not had one single meeting about al Qaeda, after all your warnings?
What if, after all you tried to do to prevent the deaths of 2672 people, they died anyways because the incumbent regime of nine months DID NOTHING WHATSOEVER to prevent it, even though YOU WARNED THEM over & over again?
Wouldn't you be just a tad bit fucking ANGRY???
If not, you're either an ignorant MFing "party uber alles" rightwingnut, or...no, you're just an ignorant MFing "party uber alles" rightwingnut.