Edited on Tue Sep-26-06 12:36 AM by Peace Patriot
and so I've read widely about it. It is an amazing development--a peaceful, democratic, leftist (majorityist) revolution sweeping the entire continent--in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia and Venezuela, and soon to sweep Ecuador (and heading that way in Peru). There is even a new nascent leftist movement in Columbia. And, of course, we've seen what's going on in Mexico--very similar uprising of the vast population of the poor and brown who have been so exploited and brutalized and ask only fairness, equity, justice and participation in government and its decisions in proportion to their numbers and the impacts of government on their lives.
It's not just Venezuela. Far from it. But Chavez is one of this movements most colorful and eloquent spokesmen--and he really puts himself out there in many ways, not just taunting Bush (as he said, in another interview, "for balance"), but also he put himself and his government out there for Argentina--Venezuela's oil revenues have been used to bail Argentine out of onerous World Bank/IMF debt. The result is that Argentina and Brazil are now in talks about creating a mutual currency (like the euro) and getting off the dollar.
I love how Chavez views these oil revenues--they are a means of uplifting the poor, with schools, medical clinics, community centers, small business loans and grants, and buying back land for the indigenous. They are a means of diversifying Venezuela's economy for the future (for instance, they are being used to help small farmers stay on the farm--or to get them farming land--so that Venezuela, which has had to import much of its food, can become food self-sufficient.) And they are being used to help OTHER Latin Americans achieve self-determination and a just society. The IMF required draconian cuts in social programs, and an open door to global corporate exploiters, as blood money for the onerous loans--Chavez, in helping them get free of that debt--with easy term loans--is helping Argentina to restore ITS good policies and economic health. Oil profits are not for hoarding! They are for building a better society! What an idea!
And I think you are right. He feels sorry for us. We are not part of this great social movement. We are not part of the future. In our country, oil is used to make a few people super-rich, and to gouge the poor, and, further, to empower the super-rich in horrible ways--their corporate oil war, multiple tax cuts for the rich, while saddling the poor with a $10 trillion debt, and destroying all social protections, safety nets, and essential services, even those that build the future: schools, universities, science programs and the arts. While the Latin Americans are discovering the "commons"--how a middle class is created, LARGELY through government spending based on fair taxation--our illegitimate, fascist government is destroying our middle class, deconstructing all progressive programs, and privatizing everything, even our elections!
I, too, pity us. I think my fellow No. Americans are bewildered by what's happening to our country. They feel demoralized and disempowered. Two statistics riveted my attention over the last several years: 56% of the American people opposed the Iraq war, way back before the invasion (Feb. '03). And, 63% of Americans oppose torture "under any circumstances" (May '04). Under any circumstances! 63%!
Further, when you consider these other two stats that people always cite--trying to make a case for No. Americans being "sheeple"--that about 50% of our people believe that Saddam had WMDs and/or that Saddam had something to do with 9/11--and you compare THAT stat to the above stats, the only conclusion you can reach is that our citizens DON'T TRUST BUSH. Here they are, with these bits of disinformation rattling around in their heads, about Saddam, yet they STILL oppose the war! (It's way more than 56% now.) And the great majority STILL don't see any justification for torture. They obviously don't agree with Bush's INTERPRETATION of those "facts" nor his actions. Maybe Saddam had WMDs, but it wasn't such a big threat that the UN couldn't take care of it. And whatever Saddam may have had to do with 9/11, it was minor, and did not justify a war.
The Bushite propaganda, and the relentless war profiteering corporate news monopoly propaganda, have FAILED to turn Americans into warmongers, and have failed to scare them. The only way they have succeeded is in the demoralization of the majority (by giving the minority rightwing a big trumpet), and also in black-holing the electronic voting scam, by which Bushite corporations are now "counting" all our votes with TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code, and virtually no audit/recount controls. I mean, really. It's so blatant. Yet--despite a rather amazing election reform movement--many people still remain ignorant of the specific mechanism by which the Bush Junta kept its paws on the levers of power. That black-holing worked.
If I were looking at this once great country from the point of view of a vibrant democracy like Venezuela, I'd feel sorry for us, too. We're missing everything.
As the first indigenous president of Bolivia (elected this year), Evo Morales, has said: "The time of the people has come."
But not for us. Not yet anyway.
Bust the Machines--Vote by Absentee Ballot this November!
If everyone who despises the Bush Junta (60% to 70% of the American people), vote by Absentee Ballot, the reign of these sulfurous machines will be OVER!