Brent Budowsky: Semper Fidelis. An Open Letter To Military Families and Military Communities of AmericaA BUZZFLASH GUEST CONTRIBUTION
by Brent Budowsky
I am a Sam Nunn Democrat who begins with this: I salute you and everything you have done for our country. Some of you are heroes in uniform. All of you are heroes in spirit. All Americans owe you a deep debt of gratitude for all you have done, and all you are doing and will always do every time our country calls you.
In your hands, in a few short weeks, rests one of the most important decisions the voters of America will ever make in a Congressional election.
My own background begins with many years of experience in intelligence. Within days of 9-11 I contacted both the CIA and Marine Corps intelligence and offered to use my background and experience to help in any way. When the fires were burning from lower Manhattan to Northern Virginia on that day in September, my fires were burning, as were yours, to kill the people who made that happen.
Within days, I learned that the plan was not to go after those who killed our neighbors on that September, but to use that event, to begin a war in Iraq. Those of you with high level military contacts knew, as I knew, that this was not what our commanders wanted. And those of you with high level contacts in the intelligence community knew, as I knew, that that is not what our intelligence professionals recommended.