My roommate's mother and father are R's, but as I've posted before, her mother finally saw the horror of this administration by 2004, voted for Kerry and now says all her R friends are going to vote Democratic. The father is 88 and very near the end of his days, so I don't bother him. But, I don't talk to him other than "How are ya today? and then I walk away. I have one family member left who keeps in touch with me. He's a rabid R and has been all his life. We used to joke about our different political beliefs. No more. Every few months he sends me a very bad Clinton joke and I ignore him.
I've found that this new batch of R's, along with some of the old Barry Goldwater types who haven't figured out they've been hijacked by monsters, are not worth wasting one breath on. They are dangerous, dangerous people. If the government ever gave most of these people the chance to legally round up Democrats, Gays, Jews, Muslims, oh, anyone but god-fearing Jesus lovers(or the sadist bullies that would use this pretext), and do whatever with, they would do it with glee.
I also don't see this administration giving up power on November 7th. I hold out no hope whatsoever that we will take back the House or the Senate. I'll vote and I have donated to several campaigns. So I haven't dropped out of the system, yet. If we do pick up at least one, then I will gladly take any stomping I might get for being such a defeatist. Guess I'm just really bummed with all this Clinton bashing ( I was never a big Clinton fan until I saw what came after him.) and, well, just the total obvious ineptitude, bullying, lying, tactics used by the "other" side. At this time, I have a hard time believing that things will ever change in this country. It's like the big ugly has surfaced to the top again and I don't know how we are going to get rid of it with the voting system we are using now.