I hope you don't take me the wrong way, but I don't type well, or fast. a skill never needed in my life, and still not a priority. This disability of sorts, makes it sometimes difficult to convey the meaning of my sentiments. I am by no means enamored by the sudden new found self indignation of bill.
I follow no model, and while I respect and admire Kucinich, I also have as much respect and admiration for Ron Paul. Both men of integrity, and while Paul may strike many here as a representative who cares not for the welfare of the poor, or any other progressive concern for that matter, I think we short change ourselves with that type of thinking.
Before you think me a libertarian nut job here me out. There are some ideals of the libertarians I support in theory, but for the most part I support a progressive approach to politics. That said I think we need to keep in mind what we are up against as a country, that being many who oppose the liberals as they are portrayed in the corporate media. The majority of swing votes who side time and time again with the republicans do so because they are indoctrinated by self-interested, corporate controlled and media supported thieves with no concept of the conservative values they claim to support. They are pawns of the conservative agenda.
I consider these voters lazy in their evaluation of issues. Lemmings, followers etc.
They will always look for someone to support their basic concepts, that being, anyone who opposes welfare of any type, supports a minority with legislation, and doesn't wave a US flag while pissing on the UN. That doesn't leave them many options does it?
There are many here who flip back and forth in support of McCain, Spector and others only to watch those hopes dashed like we have seen time and again. Same goes with some Democrats, but we will support them without question.?
I don't have all the answers but I understand the questions, I find it somewhat ironic that the liberals can find a way to work out problems with everyone but our own countrymen. If the conservatives need a place to reside a few steps away, such as a more libertarian view, why don't we support that as an alternative to the fascist views of corporative corruption?
I think the progressive argument stands a better chance debating an ideology of respect, than one that prefers obliteration of disenting views.
just my worthless opinion.