Senator Inhofe Claims Global Warming is a UN Conspiracy
I have transcribed the first portion of a speech made this Saturday,
at the "2006 Voter Values Summit by U.S. Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe,
alleging that Global Warming is a hoax tied to a United Nations conspiracy.
Anyway, in 1970 the United Nations came up with something called the IPCC,
the International Plant Panel for Climate Control < ed: the correct name is [br />"The Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change". The IPCC was established in
1988 ] , and they came up with one guy who said he was a scientist and they
had this thing called the hockey stick that said this is what the
temperature had been and how it's visibly related to the hockey stick,
Global Warming's coming in, and how we're all going to die. Well, that was
in 1970 and all the liberals joined in, the Hollywood crowd all joined in,
and this was the liberal agenda that they enjoyed so much.
And so - get the scene now - back, that was, the ilk, the, the idea of
this is that the, the, the climate is changing, it's going up, and it's due
not to actual causes but due to the release of CO2 and what they call
anthropogenic gasses. Man made gasses. The motive of this is to try to shut
down this machine called America, stop building, stop - y'know - driving
around and all these things and so - ah, anyway - we were just about to sign
the Kyoto treaty when I became chairman of the committee that Gil talked
about in his introduction, its called Environment and Public Works. Now, in
this committee we have jurisdiction over this, uh, all these areas, so I
thought "we need find out what the truth is about the Global Warming.
So we have, uh, the question is quite often asked ( and I know that some
of you are thinking this right now ) if, uh, if, if, if there be an economic
disaster and that the science is wrong, then why in the world would anyone
be interested in having this done ? Well it's not just the liberals in the
United States, uh, I'd suggest to you that Margo Waldstrom who is the, uh,
the environmental minister of, of the European Union, she, uh, said Kyoto -
it's not about climate change - it's about the economy, about levelling the
playing field for big business worldwide ( ladies and gentlemen that's us,
the United States, she's talking about ). Then your favorite Frenchman
Jacques Chirac - he said Kyoto is not about, uh, climate change, it
represents the first component of an authentic ga, ga uh, global governance.
So I would say to you we've heard enough about what they - what does God
say about this whole thing ?.....