From TPM Muckraker:
There's a second damning Iraq report floating around the intelligence community.
At least, that's according to Rep. Jane Harman (CA), the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee. At an event this morning, Harman disclosed the existence of a classified intelligence community report that gives a grim assessment of the situation in Iraq, and called for it to be shared with the American public -- before the November elections.
The report has not been shared with Congress, although sources say a draft version may have circulated earlier this summer. It is a separate report from the one revealed by major news outlets Sunday, which is said to conclude that the war in Iraq has made the U.S. less secure from terrorist threats.
more - by Josh Marshall:
We've also talked to a number of Hill sources who tell us the report is being slow rolled, presumably to keep its findings from being released before the November 7th election.
Late Update: In the course of our reporting this morning, there was some question over whether this Iraq report was in fact an NIE. It now appears that it is an NIE in all but name, prepared in the same way, by the same people. But it's not been given the 'NIE' label because that would trigger reporting requirements to congress that the adminsitration has wanted to avoid. We'll bring you more updates on this question shortly.