I think that we as Democrats, Independents, Progressives, Free thinkers get pulled into a really stupid trap sometimes when it comes to terrorism. Like right now the big arguement is who did more to try and stop Bin Laden, Clinton or Bush. Well of course Clinton did. But the question Americans need to be asking themselves is Why did they attack us to begin with? If you Believe Bush and Co. its because they hate our freedom and our religion. If you read some of Bin Ladens statements I think you get a clearer picture. Its all about history. Many of the bad things that have befallen our nation go back to the greed of wealthy American corporations. Most of the hijackers on the planes on 911 were Saudi's. The Saudi Royal family is great friends with the Bushes. The President says they are an ally, so why would citizens of that country want to attack us. Anyone who has seen the movie Syriana will remember the pitiful oilfield workers living in the shacks. Anyone who has read Bin Ladens transcript released just before the last Presidential election can find ample reasons given for attacking us. If you do an Internet search for Bin Laden transcripts you can read where he has been warning America for years to quit exploiting his people by supporting corrupt governments who are selling out his people for riches. Our freedom and our religion is not what they hate...they hate that we are keeping them from being free and that we are squandering their natural resources. So should'nt we really be making the arguement about how to prevent terrorism rather than how to combat it instead of agreeing with the idiots that it will always exist. Remember people attack for a reason and our freedom and religion just don't cut it. If that was the case they would have attacked the American people directly, they did not, they attacked the World Trade Center, symbol of American Greed, the Pentagon, symbol of the gun used to rob their people of thier resources and keep them enslaved to tryanical governments, the White House...home to the Number one enemy of all the people of the world to include us.