As would be written for Bush.
Ladies and Gentlemen, distinguished guests and dignitaries
I present to you the state of our union, the United States of America.
Since I took office in 2001, I sure have did a lot *smirk*. In todays world the terror of terror terrifies us as terrified citizens in a terrified nation. Since 2001 my buddies and I have taken the nuculer weapons off of Saddam Hussein, secured a free and clear Afghanistan (Can ya hear me now..eh eh eh eh eh) and on top of that, I made this world a more safe, but still dangerous place to live in.
I owe it all to myself, and the Repub...Repub (make sure you stutter sharply) Republican party and the mound of cocaine and bottles of booze Laura serves to me on her saggy breasts each night. eh eh eh. I just can't get enough of them thangs. Anyhow, the deficit is as high as it's ever been, and that's my crowning achievement for this administration. You see, it takes a real fuck up to really fuck the deficit up, and I am that man. TERROR! eh eh just kidding.
As Americans I call on you to make the right decisions, much like the Republican Party has made. I call on you all to stab a neighbor in the back, don't listen to your better half, and make a difference by carrying a gun to your local pro-life rally. Start a war, and nurture it like a plant.eh eh eh, it worked for me.
I can't imagine a world where I can't play cowboy and muslim anymore. This is why I'm going to declare myself emperor of the United States of America as of 2008. Why am I doing this, you ask? Because I am an evil chimpanzee sent to earth by them Scientologists. Eh eh eh, them folks some good guys, specially in their nuculer plane.
As 2006 comes to a close I call on all Amercans to really hate each other, especially if they are in differing parties or have differing opinions. This is what made America great. Take what Teddy Roosevelt said: "Freedom cannot last if Free....Freedom fool me again. Take the terror of the insurgents and terrorists to a new level. Declare Jihad on a fellow friend or accomplace. I urge you to run your credit card debt up, so it helps our booming economy. Invest in war bonds, because there's gonna be a lot more of them eh eh eh eh.
Ya'll take care out there in Amerca. Watch them terrists and nuculer weapons fly by. eh eh eh.
State of Union Adjourned.