"As I understand, the conclusions -- the evidence on the conclusions reached was stopped being gathered on February -- at the end of February."
http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2006/09/20060926-3.htmlOf course, he didn't read any of it . . . more than he was read to by Condi . . .
"I, of course, read the key judgments on the NIE," he said today.
my latest take:
Letting Lies and Propaganda DictateThe language from Bush as he defends his administration against the leaked conclusions of the report, which determine his Iraq occupation has worsened the 'terror' threat, is ominously autocratic and transparently manipulative. "We're not going to let lies and propaganda by the enemy dictate how we win this war," he defends.
"And here we are," he says, "coming down the stretch in an election campaign, and it's on the front page of your newspapers. Isn't that interesting? Somebody has taken it upon themselves to leak classified information for political purposes . . . once again, there's a leak out of our government, coming right down the stretch in this campaign, -- to create confusion in the minds of the American people, in my judgment, is why they leaked it."
To Bush, the truth about his reckless, incompetent stewardship of our nation's defenses is 'the enemy'; much like his protege' Maliki, in his contrived, inspired manipulation of the Iraqi press. Increasingly, as his lies have all fallen to the wayside, Bush is reduced to excusing his failures by telling Americans there's some hidden, secret information his agents are withholding from us that will prove how much of a hero and savior he and his War Party has been in protecting us from the violence and unrest his own bungling militarism has actually created and made worse.
No half-assed release by his cronies will absolve him, however. Nor will any of the attempts to ignite a new wave of fear and distraction from their failures which have been so thoroughly highlighted in the congressional campaigns. The republican party and their enabling support of the the lying, dictatorial Bush regime is set to expire, effective with our votes in November."