CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS SHIT! 'Frontline' probably one of the best investigative news shows there is, I would even rate them above 60 Minutes given that they will dedicate a full episode or even multiple episodes to dissecting a topic, is "sanitizing" an upcoming segment called "Return of the Taliban", an expose on how this evil administration is letting Afghanistan slip through its fingers. There is small amount of footage where Canadian soldiers are saying the "f"-Bomb while in direct combat with the Taliban. This apparently has run afoul of our ever-so-pious FCC censors who threatened to take action if the expletives weren't edited out. The actual combat footage may be edited out entirely. The producers and editors of the episode don't feel it is worth it to "go to the matt" for it.
Oh and it doesn't stop there!
Film producer Ken Burns is putting the finishing touches on a documentary on WWII. This film may also be sanitized given that Burns' approach to reading quotations of letters or statements of soldiers, leaders, generals, etc... has put a few "dirty words" in the mix.
As of this moment I ready to tear my hair out in clumps. I initially saw the article on HuffPost but you can access the whole article via the New York Observer at this link: is just unreal. Heaven-for-fucking-bid we should show the reality of what is happening in the real world or try to put a truthful face on history. But sexually charged scenes on "Desperate Housewives" or flooding the news with a story about some blond middle school teacher bedding down with one of her male students is OK! Oh and I am just positive that the 14 year-old teen this teacher "molested" is just "totally destroyed for life".
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:mad: :nuke: :grr: :mad: :nuke: :grr: :mad: :nuke: :grr: :mad: :nuke: :grr:
Ok, I'm done. BUT I AM STILL F______G PISSED OFF!!!!