How plausible is the argument that the invasion of Iraq and subsequent mishaps there have caused terrorism to "metastaticize"? Numerical data on trends in measures of terrorism might help in deciding whether terrorism has accelerated since "Mission Accomplished".
IMO, for that very reason, Dubya's Dept of State has halted longstanding publication of annual measures of terrorism and substituted reports that have very few numbers in them (See the second URL below for details).
But, using obscure Congressional reports and other sources, it still is possible to bring the series up to date. Here it is:
Year . . . Killed . . Wounded . . . . Acts
2005 . . 14,602 .. .. 25,398 .. . 11,111
2004 . . . 1,907 . . .. . 7,393 . . . 3,168
2003 . . . . 625 . . . . . 3,646 . . . . 208
2002 . . . . 725 . . . . . 2,013 . . . . 199
2001 .. . 3,547 . . . . . 1,080 . . . . 346
2000 . . . . 405 . . . . . . 791 . . . . 423
1999 . . . . 233 . . . . . . 706 . . . . 392
1998 . . . . 741 .. . . . 5,952 . . . . 273
1997 . . . . 221 . . . .. . 693 . . . . 304
1996 . . . . 311 .. . . . 2,652 . . . . 296
SOURCES: 1996-2002: , page CRS-7
This table is very dramatic. IMO, what it shows is that
(1) 9-11 was a "blip" in historic deaths due to terrorist acts. While 3,547 were killed that year, overwhelmingly at the WTC, the number of deaths fell dramatically the following year, and continued to fall into 2003, when on May 1 Dubya declared "Mission Accomplished" in a photo-op aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln.
(2) Deaths from terrorist acts more than tripled from 2003 to 2004, and then increased more than sevenfold on top of that tripling.
Thus there seems to have been a dramatic acceleration in world deaths from terrorist acts since 2003.
(A) Does anyone have an explanation other than the US invasion of Iraq, and the deteriorating military situation there since 2003?
(B) Does anyone have an explanation for the obscurity and apparent deliberate obfuscation of these numbers other than a White House attempt to hide the terrorism consequences of the Iraq fiasco?