regarding point 1 in particular I think that it is an overly large brush that says so little specifically about any given Muslim conflict with the west that it is worse than useless. Without greater specificity as to which sectors of the jihadist movement in which branches of Islam, and which national groups are being discussed, it smacks of reductionism.
While reductionism appeals to intellectually lazy presidents, it leads to further frustration and alienation among moderate factions who live in the midst of a great well of frustration, and increasingly cannot rely on the west to support the moderates' jihad, which is a struggle to embrace modernity and the western value of progress.
Looking at Iraq in specific, the policies since the 1972 oil embargo and later GW1 show a profound adherence to the Sunni cause to the great detriment of the Marsh Arabs and the Kurds. The effect of major western policy goals such as the manipulation of oil price and production levels, proxy wars sponsored by the super powers, then both promoting and ultimately punishing Saddam's Sunni based, but socialist inspired secularism created an environment where no faction of Iraqi society could look at the US as an honest broker.
After first selling Saddam chemical precursors, not discouraging his use of force to solve his border/resource disputes with Kuait, using that invasion as an excuse to invade Iraq, telling the Kurds and the Shia to rise up, then abandoning them to Saddam. There is literally no non-criminal element in Iraq that would find America trustworthy, and the British presence there is only slightly less objectionable, as memories of Allenby still echo in the collective Iraqi mind.
And the Marsh Arabs, as the latest victims of Saddam's Ataturk inspired secularism, see their entire way of life destroyed by modernity...not just by western values, but by western engineering that has drained much of their wetland home.
This contrasts dramatically with the Iranian experience, which supplanted Mossedeq's moderate regieme with the Shaw's repressive Savak. The Egyptian anger over western interference over the Suez canal, and their humiliating loss to Israel/US weaponry in the six day war.
My underlying point here is that in the face of western imperialist economic and political manipulation of the middle east and persia in furtherance of 1. Oil price control, 2. proxy war against the Soviets/Americans, 3. Supression of Islamic religious fervor, and 4. Support of the Israeli state, not simply because it was Jewish, but because it was a terrorist state from the beginning-- There is virtually nowhere you could go, save the Levant to a lesser extent Turkey and see an Islamic culture that supported the west without repressive means.
How can this understanding be applied to Democratic policy? Well, up to today we could have shown a bright line between the brutal, intolerant, and xenophobic right wing of the American political landscape, sadly, after a number of our representitives voted to support torture, I fear that is now like pissing into the wind.
But, on a domestic front, we can address the underlying American causes of our horrorific policies. We can repudiate Xtian fundamentalism. We can demand energy independence. We can draw down our troop numbers to 1/100th of our current standing, with clearly stated missions that DO NOT involve economic hegemony.
All of these are policy platforms well worth discussion. But above all, we can promise that we will stop being, ourselves, a rogue nation. We can respect the national asperations, and create an economic climate that punishes those forces that enslave citizens in oil producing nations.
Key policy areas that would resonate with Islamic moderates are 1. Support of civil liberties.. 2. Support of opium interdiction and poppy eradication. 3. Support of nationalization of oil revenues. 4. Replacement of OPEC by a market mechanism that reflects human values.
KEy policy areas that will resonate with American voters are 1. Energy independence/sustainable energy policies. 2. Return to a pre-ww2/cold war defence posture. 3. More butter, fewer guns. 4. Redefining America's place in the world.
I hope this helps.