Earth to Senators! If you pass this piece of shit bill America is NO LONGER A DEMOCRACY!!!<snip>
guess it wasn't enough to just arrest and imprison suspects indefinitely without trial. The president now wants the legal authority to torture them.
That's not what they're going to call it, of course. They're going to redefine it as "coercive interrogations" or something like that. But make no mistake, it's torture.
For those of you who doubt that it is, who buy into this semantic ploy, I guarantee that if you were to witness one of these procedures -- especially done to someone you knew personally -- you would be overwhelmed with outrage (well most of you would, not sure about that 35 percent 'Bush Base'). There would be no doubt in your mind what you were witnessing.
No, torture doesn't work, never has, and never will.
So then why is Bush & Co so adamant about being able to do it?
It's pretty simple really. They want to show you and me, and the rest of the world, that they can. Oh, they probably want to avoid being hit with a future war crimes charge as well, but the main reason is to show that they can.
This is just one more of those little steps on that path toward an authoritarian government. If they can openly demand the authority to torture whomever they want at will, and receive that authority from the American people, then they know they're just about home free. If we the people can be driven to accept the torture of suspected (i.e., yet to be proven guilty of any crime) terrorists or 'enemy combatants,' then what won't we accept? Could the torture of suspected murderers, kidnappers, and tax cheats be far behind?